Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

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Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#1 Post by perkana » Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:47 pm

This situation has been going on since the end of last month. A lot of violence in Guerrero (most son of a bitches military people over there, 'working' for war on drugs) and the mayor of Iguala is involved with this and now is a fugitive.
Now, they are among 43 students reported missing after deadly clashes with the police on Sept. 26, when at least six student protesters and bystanders were killed in the restive, rural state of Guerrero, one of the poorest in the country and long afflicted by political, social and criminal upheaval.
The state prosecutor investigating why the police opened fire on students from their vehicles has found mass graves in Iguala — the small industrial city where the confrontations occurred — containing 28 badly burned and dismembered bodies.
Even in a country accustomed to mass killings, the case has generated alarm, both for the possible involvement of the police and for the fact that the students were not known to have criminal ties. Miguel Martínez, a representative for the families, said students at the school had fought back against extortion attempts by gangs last year, but it was not clear if that could have made them a target now.
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/07/world ... lice-.html
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfre ... g-children
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/o ... g-students
Also, I would appreciate it very much if you signed this petition (hope it's pretty obvious what they ask you)
On September 26 and 27, during four violent incidents involving members of the municipal police and unidentified gunmen in the city of Iguala, Guerrero, 6 people were killed, 20 people were injured and 43 student teachers are missing after being detained by the local police.
Federal authorities have overturned efforts to identify the remains found on Oct. 3 in mass graves. However, investigations into the disappearances and murders remain under the authority of the State of Guerrero.
Sign the petition and demand extensive research and put an immediate end to such abuses: http://www.alzatuvoz.org/normalistas

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#2 Post by Bandit72 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:35 pm

Apart from this incident, is the cartel war still as bad as it's ever been? Did we ever find out what happened to the woman writing Blog del Narco?

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#3 Post by perkana » Thu Oct 09, 2014 3:11 pm

During Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto’s first year in office, after he had promised to cut back on everyday violence, there were 22,732 recorded homicides the National Institute of Statistics and Geography announced Wednesday.
The figure, which the institute called preliminary, is slightly lower than the previous year but still higher than when Felipe Calderón, Peña Nieto’s predecessor, took office. In 2007, shortly after Calderón declared war on drugs, the number of homicides reached 8,867. During his six years in office, homicides peaked at 27,213, in 2011.
...But violence continues growing unabated in many parts of the country: According to these recently released numbers, in Baja California, Chiapas and the state of Mexico, where Peña Nieto is from, homicide rates have increased markedly.
http://www.newsweek.com/murders-mexico- ... sts-260990
The editor of 'El blog del narco' had to run away from the country due to the death threats she had received.
Here's an interview with her (sorry, it's in Spanish)
http://www.vice.com/es_mx/read/muriendo ... -del-narco
The book she wrote with other fugitive reporters...
Found this one from last year...
The author of a pioneering blog about Mexico's drug war has said that she has fled the country and that her blog partner has gone missing. The young woman, using her pseudonym Lucy, said her colleague phoned her last week to say a single word – "run" – and then vanished, prompting her to flee to the United States and then Spain.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/m ... o-drug-war

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#4 Post by perkana » Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:22 pm

Four more mass graves have been found...
There is no word on the number of the bodies discovered in pits on Thursday. The discovery came during a huge operation to find the students, who disappeared after clashing with police. He said a formal search had now been launched for the town Mayor, Jose Luis Abarca Velazquez, as well as his wife and head of security. They went on leave after the clashes and have not appeared.
Talking about the drug cartels nowadays Bandit...
Brother of Iguala Mayor's wife is arrested
Justino Miranda | El Universal
19:02 Thursday 09 October 2014
Undercover Navy officers arrested Salomón Pineda Villa in Morelos.
Around 12:00 hours at the Zócalo of Cuernavaca, Morelos, undercover Mexican Navy officers arrested two men, including Salomón Pineda Villa, brother of the Iguala Mayor's wife, María de los Ángeles Pidena. The preliminary report indicates that other two men escaped during the operation. Unofficially, it is said that one of the fugitives is "El Chucky" leader of the criminal gang "Guerreros Unidos" , which controls the drugs in the region.
In May 2009, the Federal Police arrested at least 14 members of the Pineda Villa family, including Salomón. The objective of this operation was to arrest Alberto and Mario Pineda Villa, major operators of the Beltrán Leyva cartel in the state of Morelos.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#5 Post by Bandit72 » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:07 am

Cool, thanks for all the reference.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#6 Post by perkana » Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:07 pm

Another good article, written by a Mexican journalist in English
The Mexican "drug war" has taken a turn for the worse. Since the return of the old guard Party of the Institutional Revolution (PRI) to the presidency in 2012, violence has expanded and increasingly targeted political activists, journalists and human rights defenders. And two recent massacres committed by government officials indicate that the country may be headed towards a rerun of the "dirty wars" of the 1970s, in which the government hunted down and killed or jailed thousands of activists.
This past June 30th, soldiers brutally executed 21 youth in a warehouse in the town of Tlatlaya, less than 90 miles from Mexico City. Both federal and local officials immediately covered up the incident by announcing that the dead were supposedly kidnappers and had died in a gun fight. It took independent reporting by the Associated Press, and a public exposé by a witness in the Mexican media, in order for the massacre to come to light. It is now clear that the Mexican military, which has received billions of dollars in US assistance in recent years, assassinated dozens of youth in cold blood.
Instead of correcting for Calderón´s mistakes, Peña Nieto has chosen to sweep them under the rug. Political concerns once again have trumped a serious commitment to the rule of law. The only difference in strategy between the two presidents has been at the discursive level, with Peña Nieto preferring to talk about economic reforms instead of the drug war. Unsurprisingly, crime continues to expand throughout the country. But the recent massacres demonstrate that the violence has taken on new particularly perverse and dangerous forms.
Peña Nieto is best compared not to Roosevelt, but to Augusto Pinochet or Vladimir Putin. Like Russia, two decades of simultaneous economic and political "liberalization" have not ushered in a new era of citizen empowerment, honest government and public debate, but consolidated the same corrupt, authoritarian tendencies of the past. And like Chile under Pinochet, in order to impose unpopular "structural reforms" on the economy Peña Nieto has used an iron fist to purge and frighten the opposition.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-m-ac ... 48884.html

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#7 Post by perkana » Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:37 pm

Great to hear that it was featured on Democracy Now!

Also, European Parliament decided to discuss urgently this matter today and will give a resolution about it next week. Last week some EU members signed a letter to end an economic treaty with Mexico because of the human rights violation.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#8 Post by perkana » Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:48 pm

John M. Ackerman wrote:"Mexico's Hidden War", essential VIDEO for anyone who wants to understand context for student massacre
The spectacular violence of Mexico's drug war grabs international attention. Some 40,000 people have been killed since 2006, when President Felipe Calderon deployed Mexican military and security forces in the so-called war against the cartels - often in gruesome and sadistic ways. But behind the headlines, under cover of impunity, a low-intensity war is being waged.
In the second episode of a two-part series, Josh Rushing and the Fault Lines team travel to the state of Guerrero to investigate claims that Mexican security forces are using the drug war as a pretext to repress indigenous and campesino communities.
In one of Mexico's poorest and top drug-producing states, where struggling farmers are surrounded by the narco-economy, we ask about the cost of taking the struggle against dispossession into your own hands.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#9 Post by perkana » Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:13 pm

Since 2006 to date, around 400 mass graves have been found, with about four thousands dead people. The "War against the drugs", that took the army in the streets, has only been useful to repress social discomfort. The organized crime is thriving, and the "side losses" are ignored. But the Institute of statistics released this year a report highlighting the "over-mortality" of young men in Mexico due to violent death in Mexico. These are not isolated cases. It is a war against critical thinking, whereas political elites are sharing the profits with the organized crime. This is a narco-government.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/o ... rspectives
Also read in another article that the students are already dead (not a surprise, after being missing for a couple of weeks and being kidnapped by narcs). Most of them were burned alive, this told by several witnesses. And that the government is waiting to give us an answer by playing the we don't know what happened but they're still missing card. I really think something big is coming up with the majority of Mexicans being so fed up with this.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#10 Post by perkana » Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:51 pm

Not surprised at all
European Parliament resolution on the disappearance of 43 teaching students in Mexico (2014/2905(RSP))
The European Parliament,

- having regard to the statement by the EU delegation in Mexico City;
- having regard to the statement by made by the Mexican President Enrico Peña Nieto, on 14 October 2014;

- having regard to the statement by the EU delegation in Mexico on 12 October 2014 concerning the events in Iguala and Tlatlaya;

- having regard to Art. 135 of its rules of procedure;

A. Whereas on 26 September 2014 43 teaching students from the 'Normal Raul Isidro Burgos' School in Ayotzinapa disappeared when on a journey from Iyala to Guerrero, Chilpancingo;
B. Whereas 22 police officers were arrested following violent incidents;

1. Regrets the tragic events which took place on 26 September and shares deep concern regarding the violent incidents reported and the disappearance of a group of students from Ayotzinapa;

2. Highlights the action taken by the Mexican Government to shed light on the facts and to restore law and order in Iguala, including the deployment of 200 Gendarmes, the takeover of the investigation by Federal authorities and the creation of monitoring committees in the Senate and in the Chamber of Representatives related to the case;

3. Supports the statement by the President of Mexico, Enrico (that's not his name, as much as I dislike the bastard) Peña Nieto outlining his commitment to the investigations and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice;

4. Trusts, in this regard, that the Government and the National authorities will carry out an impartial and thorough investigation, with the assistance of international experts;

5. Condemns any infiltration of organized crime into local law enforcement entities and all violence, including reported incidents against Priests;

6. Stresses the importance of eradicating impunity in a nation which is committed to the promotion and protection of international human rights standards;
7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Government and Parliament of Mexico, the Council, the Commission, the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; and the governments and parliaments of the EU Member States.
This is pretty much our general opinion:
I don't believe they are not well informed, it's only that economic interests prevail (petroleum). We couldn't expect more from political parties like PP and the rest of the conservative parties. Bravo for the green and left unitarian parties, the rest are becoming accomplices of a corrupt and genocidal government.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#11 Post by perkana » Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:54 am

Nine more mass graves were found this Thursday. Fresh flesh with blood remains, hair, backpacks, pencil holders and shoes presumed to belong to the victims were found inside of them this time. This makes 30 mass graves in total.
http://aristeguinoticias.com/2410/mexic ... ros-upoeg/
Another impressive march took place on Wednesday. People holding candles marched from El Ángel to Zócalo. I couldn't attend because I had a paper to turn in. I'm definitely going to the next one. This image gave me chills...
IMG_340338012698.jpeg (65.49 KiB) Viewed 8617 times

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#12 Post by Pure Method » Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:13 am

wow. thanks for all the updates, Perkana.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#13 Post by perkana » Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:39 am

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#14 Post by perkana » Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:07 pm

Now three siblings who were kidnapped, are found dead
MATAMOROS (AP) - A Mexican state official says four bodies have been found east of the border city of Matamaros, which is the area where three young Americans have been missing more than two weeks.

Tamaulipas state investigator Raul Galindo Vira will say only that the four bodies were found Wednesday morning.

A second state official says investigators are trying to determine if the dead include three siblings from Progreso, who went missing with a fourth person Oct. 13. The official insisted on speaking anonymously because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

Witnesses saw armed men take Erica Alvarado Rivera and her brothers Alex and Jose Angel. They identified the armed men as members of a Matamoros police unit known as Hercules that provides security for city officials.
http://www.krgv.com/news/bodies-found-w ... matamoros/

I guess nobody cares about what's happening, but if someone reads this, I would advice you to boycott traveling here and join the protests abroad. This is so fucking sad.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#15 Post by Everybody's Friend » Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:30 pm

Isn't the moral just to avoid mexico? :noclue:

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#16 Post by Pandemonium » Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:19 am

They caught the Mayor and his wife who likely ordered the "disappearance" of the students. It's amazing how brazen and utterly corrupt a large segment of Mexican politicians and police officials are, even compared to the old stereotype.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#17 Post by perkana » Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:39 pm

Yeah, just heard that on the morning news today. The general opinion is that it was just a mediatic act of the government to seem like 'heroes'. They do the same shit over and over. That's why the French woman involved with the narc was able to fleed the country. We're not buying it. I read a very sensible comment, something like how was it possible to find 2 people among 20 million and you can't find 43 among less people. It's stupid. I would just wish other countries would not back down to this shit just because of our petroleum. Haven't heard about Barack's opinion yet. So far, I'm content with the public demonstrations.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#18 Post by perkana » Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:41 pm

Everybody's Friend wrote:Isn't the moral just to avoid mexico? :noclue:
Nah, the moral is civic pressure. More demonstrations so these assholes (Mexican State, president, governor, soldiers, police, etc.) stop covering their asses.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#19 Post by perkana » Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:44 pm

Pandemonium wrote:They caught the Mayor and his wife who likely ordered the "disappearance" of the students. It's amazing how brazen and utterly corrupt a large segment of Mexican politicians and police officials are, even compared to the old stereotype.
Well, it's PRI, they're the worst. There was only a 12 year gap without them governing.
The moment Peña Nieto became president, the oppression against students began/resumed. Being a student or a journalist are the most dangerous professions.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#20 Post by perkana » Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:22 pm

Tomorrow there's a global march

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#21 Post by kv » Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:52 am

this has been a perk news moment! more tomorrow same time, same channel!

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#22 Post by perkana » Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:43 am

fuck you kv! :lol:
But yeah, I hope to post pictures from today's march soon.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#23 Post by perkana » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:33 pm

I think I made it just in time, just for you kv.

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#24 Post by kv » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:37 pm

i was growing worried :bigrin:

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Re: Ayotzinapa killing and missing students

#25 Post by perkana » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:57 pm

"Why, why, why do you kill us, if we are the hope of Latin America"

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