Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

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Re: Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

#51 Post by krakle » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:04 am

Adurentibus Spina wrote:I just think children should be screened for mental illness
that's pretty extreme. how and when would you like to have this done? and then what? a mental illness isn't necessarily very specific. it's not a black on white, given thing (like, let's say, syndrome of down). there are so many other influential factors as well, before one would become a danger to society (if that's what you're talking about).

I think people with an extremely low IQ can become be a danger to society just as well. but seriously, what do you wanna do? people with a high IQ do brutal things too.

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Re: Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

#52 Post by Bandit72 » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:17 am

krakle wrote:people with a high IQ do brutal things too.
Adolf Hitler for one.

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Re: Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

#53 Post by Hype » Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:46 am

What? Hitler didn't have a high IQ, that shit's a myth. Hannah Arendt debunked that way of thinking in Eichmann in Jerusalem. (I've encountered many people over the years who've said shit like: "If the Jews are so smart, how come they couldn't stop the Nazis from almost exterminating them?", implying that intelligence and power match up in the real world. Well, they don't always. Of course, it's true that highly intelligent people have also been violent sociopaths: Ted Kaczynski is a better example of this.)

As for what I said, I didn't mean "screen em for mental illness and toss the ones we think are sociopaths in prison then." I meant that we should pay more attention to the mental state of children, because sociopathy does manifest in childhood (the Virginia Tech killing could've been prevented, for example). It's a two-fold recommendation: on the one hand, emphasize a culture of care (involving an understanding of common interest and social values and so on); on the other, recognize those who are unlucky enough to have mitigating physical factors that need to be caught early so that they might be able to lead a normal life and not endanger others later on. It's not an exact science, of course, but we're at a point where we could be doing more. It's not like I'm advocating prosecuting pre-crime. :confused: :lolol:

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Re: Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

#54 Post by Bandit72 » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:42 pm

OK, by IQ I don't mean he could work out in record time where the triangle would be in the last series of a series of shapes, I'm saying he was a highly intelligent man, which is true.

I agree we should pay more attention to childrens mental states, but at what age? Mental states change with age very quickly within young people. The usual 'theory' that children from impoverished backgrounds or broken families 'fit in' to this 'they could be troublemakers' type category. Take Harris and Klebold from the Columbine tragedy. Decent families, no real cause for concern even though they may have been bullies when they got together at school. But EVERY school has bullies. I guess as to what they eventually did, and why they did it, really only they will know. Peoples brains work and change in WEIRD ways.

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Re: Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

#55 Post by Hype » Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:08 pm

I'm going to continue to disagree with you about Hitler. I don't think he was anything more than slightly above average, intelligence-wise, if that. He was, however, in the right place at the right time and had enough charisma to get himself into government.

Why not just add some pages to the standardized testing they do every few years? In Canada/Ontario I'm pretty sure they do testing every three years (Grs. 3, 6, 9), plus IQ testing in Gr. 4... So if they tacked on a few pages that asked things that could give a rough gauge of the person's mental state (things like "Do you feel angry very often?", or "Do you feel like people understand you?" or whatever...). Interestingly, you could also use that kind of data to do better intelligence testing, or even to help children who might otherwise not excel in school because of anxiety, or whatever.

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Re: Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

#56 Post by Artemis » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:53 pm

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Re: Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

#57 Post by Bandit72 » Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:39 am

This guy makes some very valid points.

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Re: Anarchy in The UK - London Riots

#58 Post by krakle » Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:34 pm

Bandit72 wrote:This guy makes some very valid points.

interesting. glad to see these two trying to clear things out, and also glad to hear someone talk calmly and with sense. I like the idea of money taken from drug dealers being put back into the environment where it came from. but then again, I already disagree with the government's expenditures in that kind of way and I don't see much changing any time soon. except for more money for the police. :banghead:

maybe some good will come off it, though? :noclue:

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