Money and love

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Larry B.
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Money and love

#1 Post by Larry B. » Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:02 am

I recently found out that the previous boyfriend of this woman I dated during most of the year is this well-groomed, physically perfect guy, son of a couple of millionaires who went to the best and most exclusive private school in Chile and the best University too. I think the guy works/worked as a model too.

I always had the feeling that this girl had a 'thing' for money, but not so much for her having money, but for 'her man' having it... every now and then, she'd throw comments like "well, it wouldn't be bad to have a guy pick you up at work in a Mercedes..." or stuff like that. Basically, if she knew that B was more expensive than A, only an good-for-nothing asshole would buy A. Her family has a high-class background, but she and her direct family are upper-middle class... her dad used to own some racing horses and they won several races, but apparently the father spends most of their money in the casino.

Well, then I started thinking how weird is that she actually spent a good 9-10 months going out with me... I don't own a car (nor I want to), I live in a small apartment, I couldn't care less for a Mercedes and I'm nowhere near being a millionaire. Sure, I'm not a bum and I might have more 'net value' than 50% of the guys my age, but there's another 49% who has more than me :noclue: . Well, I guess she just liked me in spite of the absence of helicopters and shit, but still...

This was never an issue, although I was always ready to clarify that I like living a simple life and that being a millionaire isn't one of the goals I'm working for in life.

So, I wondered if any of you people have had a relationship, serious or not, where you felt like the other half was behaving like a gold-digger or something...?

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Re: Money and love

#2 Post by Artemis » Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:53 am

I had a bind date once with a friend of a friend who was very upfront about the fact he was looking for someone with money.
I happened to have theatre tickets(freebies from work) for the day he asked me to go out, which I suggested to use. He agree and we met at the theatre. So, before the show we were making some chit chat-getting to know you sort of stuff, then went in to watch the show. At the intermission, we went for a drink where he proceeded to ask me right away if I owned any property and how much money I earned, and did I have savings, etc.. Needless to say that totally put me off. I didn't answer his questions and asked why he wanted to know that. He told me that he wanted to make clear to potential mates that he is not going to support them if that's what they're looking for. We went back to watch the rest of the show and afterwards we parted ways. He offered to drive me home but I declined and said I would prefer to take the subway. Later I called my friend to ask her why she thought I should hook up with that asshole. :lol:

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Re: Money and love

#3 Post by Larry B. » Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:33 am

:lol: that's a great opener...

- Hi, nice to meet you. What's your name?
- Sandra.
- So, Sendra... what is your net worth?

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Re: Money and love

#4 Post by Artemis » Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:38 am

Seriously, it was almost like that. I was totally surprised to the point of nearly speechless. I appreciate and respect honesty because I am not a game playing kind of person, but that guy had no tact whatsoever.. :no: :lol:

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Re: Money and love

#5 Post by creep » Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:54 pm

a girl i was dating this year for a while just went through a divorce and ended up with about 750k cash plus a shitload of child support. yes this is not rich but it's about 745k more than i have in the bank right now. anyway i had to pay for everything which sort of bothered me. i really have no problem doing that but i just wanted her to offer to pay a few times. never once did she offer and we probably went out to eat 30 times before we stopped seeing each other.

the girl i dated before her never had any money but she would offer all the time to pay. i liked that about her.

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Re: Money and love

#6 Post by Larry B. » Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:24 pm

creep wrote:a girl i was dating this year for a while just went through a divorce and ended up with about 750k cash plus a shitload of child support. yes this is not rich but it's about 745k more than i have in the bank right now. anyway i had to pay for everything which sort of bothered me. i really have no problem doing that but i just wanted her to offer to pay a few times. never once did she offer and we probably went out to eat 30 times before we stopped seeing each other.

the girl i dated before her never had any money but she would offer all the time to pay. i liked that about her.
Yes! That same thing happened to me with this girl. Not that she had 750k, but she never offered to pay anything and one time, when I asked her about it, she said that "men are just supposed to invite women... that's just the way it should be". In all fairness, after I told her that it wouldn't be bad if she invited me someplace, she did pay for a sandwich and a cup of tea.

I don't mind paying for stuff, at all. But it's a nice gesture when the woman you're dating offers to pay for movie tickets or to split the cost of the groceries.

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Re: Money and love

#7 Post by Matz » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:24 pm

great story Artemis! :lol: What a fuckin moron

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Re: Money and love

#8 Post by Hype » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:31 pm

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Re: Money and love

#9 Post by perkana » Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:49 am

Larry B. wrote:
creep wrote:a girl i was dating this year for a while just went through a divorce and ended up with about 750k cash plus a shitload of child support. yes this is not rich but it's about 745k more than i have in the bank right now. anyway i had to pay for everything which sort of bothered me. i really have no problem doing that but i just wanted her to offer to pay a few times. never once did she offer and we probably went out to eat 30 times before we stopped seeing each other.

the girl i dated before her never had any money but she would offer all the time to pay. i liked that about her.
"men are just supposed to invite women... that's just the way it should be". In all fairness, after I told her that it wouldn't be bad if she invited me someplace, she did pay for a sandwich and a cup of tea.
That would be a dealbreaker for me, I would end a relationship just because of shit like that. Not paying stuff, but the mentality that that's how it's supposed to be. It's like with my best friend, I love her dearly, but she's kinda like your ex. She expects men to treat her like royalty. Guess why she's still single. I like things to be fair and square in a relationship.

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Re: Money and love

#10 Post by MYXYLPLYX » Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:50 am

perkana wrote: I like things to be fair and square in a relationship.


And it has nothing to do with money, but rather speaks to how both are equal partners in, and equally invested in the relationship.

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Re: Money and love

#11 Post by sinep » Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:37 am

i don't date anybody with a net worth of anything less than two and a half mil.


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