game of thrones (book) with spoilers

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#51 Post by Mescal » Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:00 pm

perkana wrote:At this point, they have so many loose ends that I still don't know how they are going to end this season. Book 3 (A Storm of Swords) ends with her appearance and I almost shat myself reading it.
Really? I thought that was really going over the top

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#52 Post by perkana » Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:46 pm

I almost did :lol: I didn't expect it.
Last book has a lot of OMFG moments though.

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#53 Post by Essence_Smith » Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:17 pm

perkana wrote:I almost did :lol: I didn't expect it.
Last book has a lot of OMFG moments though.
My cousin actually texted me a few weeks ago and spoiled that part...he said of the TV show "too bad, no zombies"...I was like huh? And he let the cat out of the bag basically.

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#54 Post by perkana » Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:02 pm

My brother has read all the books but he's very behind on the show. He gets mad at me for telling him about what has happened on the show :crazy:

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#55 Post by perkana » Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:01 pm

Don't watch it if you don't want spoilers. I thought this was pretty cool. Had already read about this theory, but I liked how this guy explained it with book references.

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#56 Post by perkana » Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:09 am

Don't read this if you don't want to get spoilers...Now that this might happen, I really wouldn't like it. But knowing him, GRRM has to kill half of my favorite characters so I guess I would look forward to how it ends.
Game of Thrones: George R.R. Martin Admits Readers Have Already Accurately Predicted the Ending
The author admitted during the Edinburgh International Book Festival that some clever readers have already figured out how it’s all going to tie up:
GRRM wrote:So many readers were reading the books with so much attention that they were throwing up some theories and while some of those theories were amusing bulls—and creative, some of the theories are right. At least one or two readers had put together the extremely subtle and obscure clues that I'd planted in the books and came to the right solution. ... al_fbshare

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#57 Post by perkana » Sun May 03, 2015 9:28 pm

I agree completely...
Five of the most significant plotlines which were spread out through both books seem on track to reach the end of their book content by the end of the year based on how fast they’re moving. That includes Cersei sparring with the Sparrows, Arya training to be a Faceless Man, Jon assuming command of the Night’s Watch, Tyrion traveling to Mereen, and Daenerys having trouble keeping hold of the city. It remains to be seen just how much will be cut from each storyline in order to fit them all into a single season, but so far, all are moving at a brisk pace and will likely leave out details from the books. Fans may protest that, but the showrunners have made that work before.

I’ve been most impressed with the plotlines Benioff and Weiss are outright combining. Jaime Lannister has been moved from messing about in the Riverlands doing nothing of note in the books to taking over Aerys Oakheart’s Dorne plotline which will be assuredly made more interesting by his presence (and he’s bringing Bronn along for good measure). But the crowning editing “jewel” comes in the form of Sansa/Littlefinger/Roose/Ramsay/Theon/Brienne/Pod all coming together in single storyline that combines three disparate sets of the characters who never met up in the books. Brienne and Pod will try to save Sansa from the Boltons after she’s promised to Ramsay, while Littlefinger uses the union to acquire more allies and power. Sansa will have to fend off Ramsay when he inevitably turns hostile, and may have to rely on old frienemy Theon for help with that. It’s a fascinating dance that takes seven characters and stiches them all together in a way that makes a surprising amount of sense. This is a prime example of how this “four books in three seasons” idea is even possible. The showrunners have done a great job editing the books to date, but now they’re taking things to a new level.
All of this is to say that yes, it does seem likely that by the end of season five, we will see 2200 pages of two books on screen, in some form or another. This will come with causalities, of course. I predict we will never see Stoneheart or Penny the Dwarf, and I have a hunch the Iron Islands plotline will be cut, and so might Old and Young Griff’s appearance. Though some of these are major items, they seem like the kinds of things Benioff and Weiss will edit out or integrate into the show in a reduced capacity at best.

After that, the show has more freedom. George RR Martin will almost assuredly not release The Winds of Winter by the time season six has been written, and his seventh book will not be out for years after that. That means the showrunners don’t even have to cut fat anymore. They just consult with Martin for the broad strokes, and do their own “books” as seasons six and seven, and then end the show while it’s assuredly still soaring in the ratings. ... son-seven/

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#58 Post by Mescal » Sun May 03, 2015 10:52 pm

I had a feeling from the books that the old and young Griff characters were very important ...

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#59 Post by perkana » Mon May 04, 2015 9:32 am

So did I, but I guess for the sake of the show the producers have been doing a lot of editing. Like the storyline with Sansa. They didn't think it would do introducing a new character on the show (even if it wasn't a new one in the book) for the story of the Boltons. I'm not complaining actually, all the books have so many characters that sooner or later are going to die :lol:

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#60 Post by Xizen47 » Mon May 04, 2015 11:49 am

At the rate they're going, next season will be a complete mystery.

I'm good with it, though I'll probably be a bit confused reading book 6 (when it comes out in 2020)

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#61 Post by perkana » Mon May 04, 2015 12:47 pm

I believe they said that they have been consulting GRRM to have the same ending, although how they get to it will be up to them. I really dig that. We'll just have two versions of it. And I guess it would be the first time that the readers will have a spoiler. But by the time the final book gets published, I will probably forget about the show's ending.

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#62 Post by perkana » Thu May 28, 2015 7:36 pm

I'm really not sure they will bring Lady Stoneheart to the series with all the editing that has been done. But who knows :noclue:
Both the Game of Thrones creatives and actress Michelle Fairley have sworn that the Lady Stoneheart plot has been permanently cut from the show, but there are plenty of die-hard fans who fervently hope Fairley will still return to take her Starkish revenge on the Freys and the Boltons. And there are plenty of weird and esoteric clues to keep that dream alive like, say, this odd prosthetic Catelyn head or the quickly-pulled IMDB listing of Fairley as “Hooded Woman” for Episode 10. In short, Lady Stoneheart truthers will cling to whatever sliver of hope they can find and, as far as slivers go, “Mother’s Mercy” is a decent-sized one.

Then again, we can probably think of a dozen other things “Mother’s Mercy” could refer to. There’s Cersei, who’s due to take her big humiliating walk through the Capitol. (The High Sparrow made reference to the Mother’s Mercy in Episode 7 so this is the likeliest candidate.) There’s Gilly and her baby to consider. There’s the possible revelation of Jon Snow’s parentage. There’s Dany, who may be re-united with her “children.” (Though that’s far likelier to happen in Episode 9, “The Dance of Dragons.”) There’s Sansa, who may take on the Stoneheart role herself or, alternatively, could very well bake expectant mother Walda Frey into a pie and serve it to Roose Bolton. (The North remembers, Roose.) There’s Selyse Baratheon, who may or may not try to stop the burning of her young daughter Shireen. There’s Arya, who, at one point in the books, goes by Mercy. And there’s Jon, again, who, well, will probably need any kind of mercy he can get after the mutiny at the Wall. ... stoneheart

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#63 Post by Mescal » Thu May 28, 2015 10:47 pm

How will they reveal John Snow's parentage?

There's no cue for that, is there?

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#64 Post by perkana » Fri May 29, 2015 8:29 am

I don't think they will this season, him being busy getting the wildlings together to fight with them against the White Walkers and all. I would guess "Mother's Mercy" is going to do more with Cersei's walk of shame, too. Don't think Catelynn Stark will be coming from the dead to revenge her family.

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#65 Post by Mescal » Sun May 31, 2015 10:18 am

Nah, don't think so either. Even in the book her role as a coming back from the dead mother is not that important ...

Haven't seen Beric Dondarrion in the series for a while either ...

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#66 Post by blackula » Sun May 31, 2015 7:20 pm

Hey readers, I read the first 2 books and stopped when I read the show is gonna spoil the books. Tonight's episode was amazing, I know we've had a few "past the book" moments, but did tonight really pass what's been written?

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#67 Post by perkana » Sun May 31, 2015 9:19 pm

I just remember the crows gathering the wildlings, but that fight hasn't happened yet. Neither the meeting between Dany and Tyrion. But I'm not complaining. I love the books as much as I love the show.

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#68 Post by perkana » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:25 am

This is just a theory about how could this season end, plus a small explanation about the Night's King (creepy dude who resurrects dead people).
Big spoilers ahead, you've been warned...
The character hasn’t even shown up in the book yet but is described on the Game of Thrones wiki as follows:

According to legend, the Night’s King lived during the Age of Heroes, not long after the Wall was complete. He was a fearless warrior, who was named the thirteenth Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Later he fell in love with a woman “with skin as white as the moon and eyes like blue stars,” he chased her and loved her though “her skin was cold as ice,” and when he gave his seed to her he gave his soul as well.

That’s right, the Night’s King is a former Lord Commander. Just like Jon Snow. The wiki goes on to say:

He brought her back to the Nightfort and after the unholy union, he declared himself king and her his queen, and ruled the Nightfort as his own castle for thirteen years. During the dark years of his reign, horrific atrocities were committed, of which tales are still told in the North. It was not until his own brother, the King in the North, and Joramun, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, joined forces that the Night’s King was brought down and the Night’s Watch freed. After his fall, when it was discovered that he had been sacrificing to the Others (possibly in similar way to Craster), all records of him were destroyed and his very name was forbidden. It is likely this led the lords of the North to forbid the Night’s Watch to construct walls at their keeps, ensuring the keeps would always be accessible from the south.

There are also rumors that, during his human life, the Night’s King was a Stark named Bran. Hmmmm. So what do we know? The Night’s King is a former Lord Commander who, as was displayed in this episode, is very skilled at bringing people back from the dead. Why does that matter? Let’s discuss below the spoiler warning.

Those who have read the books (or indulged in spoilers) will expect that when Jon Snow returns to the Wall from Hardhome he won’t be very popular. In the books, Snow is stabbed multiple times by his fellow watchmen as part of a mutinous plot. We can expect that in the show this mutiny will be lead by that perma-grouch Alliser Thorne. Olly’s role in the mutiny is still somewhat up in the air, but he’s not sounding very loyal of late, is he? But as far as the last completed George R.R. Martin book A Dance with Dragons is concerned, Jon Snow is presumed dead; stabbed to death by his comrades at arms.

Despite the high body count among the heroes of Game of Thrones, most readers have never believed that cliffhanger or Jon Snow’s death would stick. There are a few options when it comes to bringing a human back from the dead on Game of Thrones. We can assume Melisandre is capable of something like that. She might need to burn a lot of royal blood to pull it off, but I wouldn’t put it past her. Carice Van Houten said she has another big scene with Kit Harrington in Season 5, so the Red Woman is a possibility. We also know, from Season 3, that the red priest Thoros of Myr can bring people back from the dead. He’s done it several times with Beric Dondarian. One theory as to why the show hasn’t given us Thoros of Myr resurrecting Lady Stoneheart (a.k.a. Zombie Catelyn Stark) is that creators Dan Weiss and David Benioff didn’t want to ruin the surprise behind a Myrish resurrection of Jon Snow.

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#69 Post by perkana » Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:10 am

What do you think about this recent theory?
If Lyanna did have twins, the safest plan would be to split them up. According to the twins theory, one went with Ned, and the other went with Howland. And it turns out there's actually evidence to support this.
Some fans think it's too close to Star Wars which I think so too. I'm done with keeping track of Kit Harrington's locks (why is he in Belfast? Why hasn't he cut his hair? Will he be in flashbacks? I really don't give a damn). But I'm happy to read that it looks like The Hound will be back :wiggle: ... mg00000063

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Re: game of thrones (book) with spoilers

#70 Post by perkana » Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:31 pm

So there's a really strong rumor about the new book coming out next year. This year was published this one: ... stallments
Also, today came out an article about all the spoilers for next season. I'm posting it on here because I will piss everyone on the show thread. You guys seem more tolerant and you've been warned...
***SPOILERS AHEAD*** ... season-six

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