Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

Discussion relating to current events, politics, religion, etc

Will recent protests and racial strife help or hurt Biden's chances of beating Trump

1. It will most certainly help Biden....this is a huge turning point.
2. It will most certainly help Trump....this is a repeat of the '68 protests and strike fear in the whites who vote.
3. It remains to be seen....could go either way, or won't really effect people's vote.
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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#26 Post by mockbee » Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:45 am

Trump.....the "sane" candidate.....


He will run on that.......... I'm seriuos. :wink:

Part of the plan. And yes, it was a plan based on what he saw, and orchestrated with bombastic statements, coming down the pipes....... It's happened time and time and time again for 6 years.... :nod:

What's insane is that still nobody sees this...... It's baffling to me. :hs:


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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#27 Post by chaos » Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:25 pm

This is from The 5-Minute Fix (a newsletter I get from the Washington Post):
A slogan has crystallized among some protesters across the nation on how to start addressing police brutality and systemic racism: Defund the police.

It has become a rallying cry for protesters, and there’s a real policy proposal behind it that some cities are seriously considering. But the politics could be difficult for Democrats in particular to navigate. Let’s explore.

What ‘defund the police’ means
It depends on whom you talk to. It can sound radical, and its roots are on the activist left. There are some supporters who want to get rid of police departments. City council members in Minneapolis, where George Floyd lived and was killed in police custody, are moving to disband the troubled police department and create a new, unspecified “system of public safety.”

But others say “defund” is a misnomer and “reallocate some policing money to social programs” is what this is really all about: They believe police have been asked to do too much in American communities, from battle crime to deal with mental illness and the homeless, report my colleagues at The Post. Could a chunk of the policing budget go to schools and housing and mental health in communities of color instead?

What opponents say
The resistance to “defund the police” is much less nuanced. Opponents fear it could make communities less safe. The Post talked to a neighborhood adviser in a troubled area in Washington, D.C., who warned against this idea. “Given the crime that is going around in the community,” he said, “if they defund any part of the police from the budget, they would be doing an injustice.”

The potential political pitfalls for Democrats as ‘defund the police’ calls grow
This already appears to be making racial justice and policing reform in Congress more difficult. President Trump seized on this slogan to try to frame all Democratic politicians, few of whom have come out in support of it, as unreasonable and radical.

Other Republicans have used “defund the police” to accuse Democrats in Congress of being weak on crime or even anti-police, and thus a reason not to work with them on changes.

As Democrats unveiled a broad policing reform plan on Monday that did not have any specific measures to defund police and where Democrats distanced themselves from the idea, they called on Republicans to join them. That was always going to be a tough effort; no Republicans have publicly supported specific changes since Floyd was killed.

But after Democrats’ news conference, the top House Republican, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), tweeted this, a message aimed at police: “Democrats want to defund you, but Republicans will never turn our backs on you.”

Do Democratic policymakers want to defund police?
No. Defunding police is not a cause most Democrats in Congress endorse. Some worry it could be a distraction to their push for change. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and some other Democrats say they don’t object to the idea of reallocation police funds, but it’s for localities to decide.

This is filtering up to the presidential race. Former vice president Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee who has been trying to project a sense of unity with the protesters to contrast himself with Trump, said Monday through a spokesman that, unequivocally, he does not support defunding police. In fact, he wants to increase funding on some policing tools, like body cameras. That’s definitely not a big part of protesters’ demands.

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#28 Post by mockbee » Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:49 pm

chaos wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:25 pm
This is filtering up to the presidential race. Former vice president Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee who has been trying to project a sense of unity with the protesters to contrast himself with Trump, said Monday through a spokesman that, unequivocally, he does not support defunding police. In fact, he wants to increase funding on some policing tools, like body cameras. That’s definitely not a big part of protesters’ demands.
What the hell was Biden thinking, visiting the Floyd family and kneeling, with the position of increase funding for police and body cameras. oh...my god.....
And then is he going to waffle on that??? Not that it would matter a lick with BLM.......

I totally agree with the sensible portion of that plan. Biden has no room to jump on board though. He's like a decade late for that bandwagon, and doesn't even know where the wagon is at, let alone there is one....... :crazy:


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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#29 Post by chaos » Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:08 pm

Pandemonium wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:19 am
Uh, no.



Biden actually met with the members of that church for over a hour and had that photo taken before he left. This was on the same day when Trump posed for his photo op in front of a church, holding a bible upside down after having peaceful protestors violently cleared away to make a path for him. While both are photo ops, the awkwardness of one is clearly outmatched by the ridiculousness and despicableness of the other.


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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#30 Post by Hokahey » Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:53 pm

Pandemonium wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:33 am
It's not just Biden, it's grotesque pandering by a lot of politicians and officials across the country.

In this instance, Dems somehow managed to come up with proposed "sweeping National police reform" in one week capping it with this photo op all wearing chic Kente Stoles.


These two clips are also particularly stupid:

This country has absolutely lost it's collective mind.
Grotesque pandering. What a perfectly apt description. The Democrats are so unbelievablely bumbling and bereft of any true leadership that ill be shocked if Republicans do not continue to win the next 5 presidential elections.

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#31 Post by mockbee » Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:03 pm

The problem is that I don't see how BLM stands for this (pandering/hypocrisy), or even lets it slide...... or really doesn't go ballistic. :noclue:

How can Biden act like he is part of the solution....it's the same BS since the 90s. BLM is not stupid. :hs:

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#32 Post by mockbee » Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:20 am

The difference is.......

What has Trump done for his base, the evangelical religious right? (however messed up that is)

A fuck ton.

What has Biden done for his base, the, the.....who?

Progressive left?

Working poor whites?
Well, he just aligned himself first and foremost with "black" issues and doesn't seem to say anything about jobs or have any ideas about how to bring them back...its just all about black issues....and oh.......they seem to be raging racists for thinking about jobs first and foremost by Biden's new base and Biden seems to support them.....hmmmmm

African Americans?
Ummmmmmmmm....sure. Maybe the dozen or so that always always always vote Democrat no matter what, and....and....who?

Middle of the road white Democrats?
Ummmmmmm well guess they'd vote for him. Wanted somebody else, don't know what else to do. And he NOT Trump. Whew that's for sure. You could put my neighbors dog up there and I'd vote for the dog before staying home or or , dear god, vote for Trump.
There's his base...... :confused:

Biden is pushing the limits on all his constituents. Sure they won't vote for Trump, but each and every one of them question everyday why they have to vote for Biden.

When Biden tries to slither down each path to a different base, the others get pretty testy.

Trump's base is rock solid. He has done a TON for them.

Trump could put on a speedo and do summersaults in the front lawn and they wouldn't care. They already got what they came for and are looking forward to 4 more years of it.

Trump knows this......
That's why he holds bibles upside down.
It is on purpose.
It is to disorient established democrats (Biden's "base") and completely make them go wild and not have space to actually think about what they are trying to do.......


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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#33 Post by Pandemonium » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:16 am

chaos wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:08 pm

Biden actually met with the members of that church for over a hour and had that photo taken before he left. This was on the same day when Trump posed for his photo op in front of a church, holding a bible upside down after having peaceful protestors violently cleared away to make a path for him. While both are photo ops, the awkwardness of one is clearly outmatched by the ridiculousness and despicableness of the other.
You get no argument from me regarding how assinine the Trump/Church stunt was.

The problem here is that in the likely event Trump loses in November, we'll still have inept leadership from the other party that will only continue the Washington political clown show.

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#34 Post by chaos » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:27 am

mockbee wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:20 am

Trump's base is rock solid. He has done a TON for them.

Trump could put on a speedo and do summersaults in the front lawn and they wouldn't care. They already got what they came for and are looking forward to 4 more years of it.

Trump knows this......
That's why he holds bibles upside down.
It is on purpose.
It is to disorient established democrats (Biden's "base") and completely make them go wild and not have space to actually think about what they are trying to do.......

mockbee wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:20 am
The difference is.......

What has Trump done for his base, the evangelical religious right? (however messed up that is)

A fuck ton.
He does not have as many supporters as you think. He is hemorrhaging numbers and even his sycophants are telling his this. That is why he just hired the notoriously inept pollster (McLaughlin & Associates) to give him the numbers he wants to hear.

Although many Evangelicals see Trump as a flawed vessel of God's will, many found the dissonance of his bible waving idolatry offensive. He even lost Pat Robertson on that one. (Btw - the bible Trump was waving around was not even a version the Evangelicals approve of :lol: ).

What has he actually accomplished? Yes, the courts have been stacked. There are legislative proposals that discriminate based on religious grounds. He has lowered corporate and estate taxes (and the revenue losses have been more than initially forecasted).

Those job numbers Trump touted last week were not accurate. He also said (out loud, in front of people, on camera) that George Floyd was looking down and would be so proud of the great numbers.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/ ... 116f3a60d3

EDITORS' PICK|179,086 views|Jun 8, 2020,09:36am EDT
There’s A Glaring, Misleading Error In The May Jobs Report: U.S. May Be At 20% Unemployment
Jack Kelly

On Friday, I reported on the data released from the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, indicating that 2.5 million jobs were added in May. This was followed by an enthusiastic take on how the United States may be turning the corner. Despite all of the negatives, it seemed the U.S. was seeing rays of hope. The stock market, which has shot up since the initial shocks of the Covid-19 pandemic, bolted up after the report, gaining over 700 points and referred to other positive developments.

Unfortunately, after delving into the footnotes of the numbers, it now looks like the jobs report has been inaccurate for the last two months. BLS has admitted that government household survey takers mistakenly counted about 4.9 million people as employed, although they were unemployed.

Had the mistake been corrected, the unemployment rate would have risen to 16.1% in May. The corrected April figure would have been more than 19.5%—rather than 14.7%.
The Labor Department acknowledged that for the last two months, it was aware of this issue, but didn’t widely report it or make the necessary adjustments. The big question is whether or not this was purposely done or a typical government blunder.
There’s a lot at stake, especially since the U.S. has the upcoming presidential election in November. America was able to see in real time how President Donald Trump quickly held a press conference and bragged about the great employment numbers and the stock market’s skyrocketing rise. Ironically, when Trump talked about the figures in his press conference, he poked fun at the economists and professional investment prognosticators for all being wrong. He belittled them for claiming that we’d be at 20% unemployment and said it was “the greatest miscalculation.”

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#35 Post by chaos » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:47 am

Pandemonium wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:16 am

You get no argument from me regarding how assinine the Trump/Church stunt was.

The problem here is that in the likely event Trump loses in November, we'll still have inept leadership from the other party that will only continue the Washington political clown show.
I would much rather take my chances with a Biden cabinet than a Trump cabinet.

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#36 Post by mockbee » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:09 am

chaos wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:27 am

He does not have as many supporters as you think. He is hemorrhaging numbers and even his sycophants are telling his this. That is why he just hired the notoriously inept pollster (McLaughlin & Associates) to give him the numbers he wants to hear.

Although many Evangelicals see Trump as a flawed vessel of God's will, many found the dissonance of his bible waving idolatry offensive. He even lost Pat Robertson on that one. (Btw - the bible Trump was waving around was not even a version the Evangelicals approve of :lol: ).

What has he actually accomplished? Yes, the courts have been stacked. There are legislative proposals that discriminate based on religious grounds. He has lowered corporate and estate taxes (and the revenue losses have been more than initially forecasted).

Those job numbers Trump touted last week were not accurate. He also said (out loud, in front of people, on camera) that George Floyd was looking down and would be so proud of the great numbers.
All I have to say is......Two Corinthians. :hehe: :wink:

It will be interesting for sure.
Sounds a lot like 2016 here.
Except now they know they got something from him.....then he was a total wild card, a huge risk.
Not a risk now, just more of the same gravy.

He mispronounced a book of the Bible. He cursed — twice. And on Martin Luther King Day, the GOP presidential candidate said he was honoring the slain civil-rights leader by dedicating to him the record crowds he says he drew for the school's opening convocation. (Students are required to attend.)

"We're going to protect Christianity. I can say that. I don't have to be politically correct," he thundered at the beginning of his speech at the conservative evangelical university.

Then he moved on to cite "Two Corinthians 3:17, that's the whole ballgame. ... Is that the one you like?" Trump asked. "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

https://www.npr.org/2016/01/18/46352884 ... angelicals

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#37 Post by Pandemonium » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:16 pm

chaos wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:47 am
Pandemonium wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:16 am

You get no argument from me regarding how assinine the Trump/Church stunt was.

The problem here is that in the likely event Trump loses in November, we'll still have inept leadership from the other party that will only continue the Washington political clown show.
I would much rather take my chances with a Biden cabinet than a Trump cabinet.
Heh, with Trump at least you get a new cabinet every six months.

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#38 Post by Hype » Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:28 am

Pandemonium wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:16 am
The problem here is that in the likely event Trump loses in November, we'll still have inept leadership from the other party that will only continue the Washington political clown show.
Why think this? Even if you think Biden will be a weak/bad President in a lot of ways (and a lot of people on the left think this), the major difference is that career politicians like Biden are smart enough to make use of expertise and to leave things up to the experts -- you know, like, at the EPA, FDA, DHS, and so on... this is perhaps the biggest failure of Trump's presidency -- not even being able to have functional federal government departments. Plus, like, not continuing to fuck the Supreme Court by turning it into a partisan hack arm of the executive branch.

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#39 Post by mockbee » Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:50 am

The problem is..... no one has been elected President in modern history, or ever really...., because the people believed that person was the most qualified for the job... and would make smart choices.

Name one.....? :noclue:

They get elected because people are emotionally connected to them. Period.

Always been the case. Not new.

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#40 Post by mockbee » Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:06 pm

Biden better hope the burning of buildings and pyrotechnic shows goes away soon....or else this is going to be a major liability.

Does he support Fed involvement......?

No.......? Really?!

Yes......? Really?!


People are very, very poor at understanding the nuance thing.

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#41 Post by mockbee » Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:58 am

mockbee wrote:
Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:04 am
A little early to analyze the fallout out from these protests.
But I am just curious where people are at.

My opinion is that this is going to play right into Trumps hand.
I don't like it and think that it is terrible, but our entire history as Americans and western hegemony (colonialism, capitalism, tribalism) supports that hypothesis.


Seemed plain as day to me that it would go down like this after the riots in Minneapolis . Didn't know Portland would be the epicenter though. Knew it would be a "progressive" city though.

Very dangerous to be a visible Trump supporter. :noclue:


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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#42 Post by mockbee » Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:26 pm

I went on a drive today through portland downtown/outskirts.

Nothing going on. :bored: :noclue:

And there is your on the ground/beat reporting from your local source.

Just my personal feelings, not that I would, but I would definitely not want to be seen with a Trump sticker/placard on my truck.

I would feel very uncomfortable driving by certain groups of people on the street, likely to have shit (rocks/bottles/etc) thrown at your car. People slamming the hood of my truck randomly. Seen it myself.

Just saying. That is a problem. :noclue:

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Re: Poll: Will the riots push support to Trump or Biden?

#43 Post by Xizen47 » Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:54 pm

City of Portland's looking like one of Trumps biggest endorsers. It's the Dems election to lose. and they will.

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