Props to Shauna Hunt for calling out these assholes

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Re: Props to Shauna Hunt for calling out these assholes

#26 Post by Artemis » Sun May 17, 2015 3:08 pm

The reporter was aware of the "prank". On a daily basis she has guys doing this to her and she finally reached her limit. After this incident a number of other female reporters came out to say that they also experience guys doing this to them too. Prank or no prank, the guys who do this make interfere with the reporter's ability to do their job properly. From a female point of view, "FHRIP" is threatening language when it's shouted at you. Of course it is vulgar, disrespectful, and demeaning too. I would feel a little scared if I was a reporter covering a sports events with a lot of drunk guys behaving like "lads" saying and doing shit they wouldn't normally do.(I'm not implying that all men who go to sports events get really drunk and act like idiots.) Women shouldn't have to put up with this type of misogynistic behavior;it's not acceptable. It has nothing to do with being overly sensitive or not having a good sense of humour- it's about respect.

As for the guy being fired, the reporter wasn't asking for that. When the video started going viral, people looked up the guy, found him on facebook and Linkedin, informed his employer, Hydro One (a government corporation), and demanded they take some sort of action. It was the pressure of public shaming that cost this guy his job. The company chose to fire him as they did not want to have their reputation sullied. I guess with the increased use of social media the lines of private and public life have become blurred. If the guy chooses to, he could take Hydro One to court for wrongful dismissal.

From Hydro One:
"Respect for all people is engrained in the Code of Conduct and in our Core Values and we are committed to a work environment where discrimination or harassment of any type is met with zero tolerance,” Roderick told the The Star.

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Re: Props to Shauna Hunt for calling out these assholes

#27 Post by clickie » Tue May 19, 2015 3:58 am

Basically, if these guys want to scream something random in public to get attention, they shouldnt have chosen a phrase thats directed towards someone in a personal way. Its degrading.

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Re: Props to Shauna Hunt for calling out these assholes

#28 Post by Hype » Mon May 25, 2015 12:01 pm

Pandemonium wrote:It's like the last stupid fad, the "Knock Out Game" where kids target a random someone and try to knock them out with one punch.
That was never a thing. That was something that happened less than a handful of times, but the media latched onto it and made it seem like it was a thing. Like eyeball vodka shots. These were never memes on the level that FHRITP is with a certain kind of fratboy who thinks he can simultaneously be a "good guy" who isn't misogynist, but yell this shit out during live broadcasts.

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Re: Props to Shauna Hunt for calling out these assholes

#29 Post by SR » Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:32 pm

I can't believe anyone would consider this anything less than harassment. I see it as a threat. Men's assumption that women, whom they've met or haven't met are simply there for their sexual ideation (and not an independent thinking human being worthy of simple social civility) is vulgar and supremely self centered.

Fuck these Neanderthals.....akin to interrupting their personal space with a Mr T, Von Miller, or Mike Tyson type stating they are going to fuck their asses with their 12 inch Johnsons.

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Re: Props to Shauna Hunt for calling out these assholes

#30 Post by perkana » Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:06 pm

I read today about a freelance journalist called Andrea Noel who suffered an attack on March 8 (international women's day of all days). Some asshole came running behind her and pulled down her panties. She filed a complaint with the police and instead of being supported by our society, she has received tons of threats. People have even questioned her intentions (most people think she just wanted some attention). I've seen the video and you've got to be sick to think someone would use it to get "famous".
In an interview she has said that so many attacks go unnoticed because the victims don't come forward. I agree, you're so used to it. I've been attacked twice in my life and first you're in disbelief. At most I've told the assholes to fuck themselves. But seriously, we can't take this as a joke.

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Re: Props to Shauna Hunt for calling out these assholes

#31 Post by SR » Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:34 am


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