What's annoying you today?

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4876 Post by Pandemonium » Fri Sep 08, 2017 1:33 pm

Some grim stuff here lately. Maybe this'll lighten the mood a bit......

So Sunday night, I was having this slightly annoying feeling like I had an ingrown hair above my upper lip just below my nose in the moustache area. Nothing to see, wrote it off and went to bed. Woke up the next morning and much of the right side of my mouth was completely numb like I had just had Novocaine/dental work done. Look in the bathroom mirror and my upper lip was gigantically swollen like Mike Tyson used my face for an angry workout. No bruising or discoloration just a big ol' balloon/blubber-face. I couldn't even eat, drink or talk good, it was Elephant Man bad - it was like I had a stroke.

Get in to my doctor, who figures it was mostly likely some sort of infection or allergic reaction and gives me a round of antibiotics and a steroid - Prednisone. You know it's a bad day when I go to fill the perscrips and the first words outta the pharmacists' mouth is "wow, what happened?"

The good news, swelling goes down to normal after about 3 days and feeling in my face returns. Whatever it was, is done. The bad - I have an insane appetite and put on about 10 lbs in less then a week, get hot flashes, poor sleep and crazy nightmares and feel almost psychotic, like what I assume "'roid rage" would be. Last night was the worst, my wife was watching "Girlfriends Guide To Divorce" and I felt like I was gonna slit my wrists and had to get out of the house after dusk and go swim at the beach for an hour to mellow out. Fortunately, my doses are done and today's a lot better but holy fuck, I've never been on anything that so clearly fucks up the mind and body in so many different ways.

Now I understand what my wife's had to go through on that shit a few times (she was on Prednisone for a couple *months* when she nearly died in the hospital a couple years ago).

Oh, and my dog loves to eat her shit. Nothing I can come up with has worked to break her of this disgusting habit. She knows I don't like her doing it so she waits until I'm gone in the middle of the day to go crap out a happy meal. All those dumb supplements or additives seem like seasoning to her and at worst, give her diarrhea which she eats like it's some kinda tapioca treat.

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4877 Post by Larry B. » Fri Sep 08, 2017 1:35 pm

perkana wrote:
kv wrote:Sorry Wally...chin up bud

Wow this thread sucks lately eh?

Let's get back to every day annoying...like traffic sucked or my neighbor is too loud.... geez
Like an 8.1 earthquake? I'm still a bit in shock. The moment you come home and 3 days later, wham bam, welcome back.
I immediately thought of you when I read the news today. How are things looking for you and your family?

Annoying me today: an online platform where I do translation work for the biggest company in the world. Even they and their servers are an absolute shambles a few times per month. The problem is that if that happens, I essentially lose a day of work.

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4878 Post by perkana » Fri Sep 08, 2017 2:47 pm

Larry B. wrote:
perkana wrote:
kv wrote:Sorry Wally...chin up bud

Wow this thread sucks lately eh?

Let's get back to every day annoying...like traffic sucked or my neighbor is too loud.... geez
Like an 8.1 earthquake? I'm still a bit in shock. The moment you come home and 3 days later, wham bam, welcome back.
I immediately thought of you when I read the news today. How are things looking for you and your family?

Annoying me today: an online platform where I do translation work for the biggest company in the world. Even they and their servers are an absolute shambles a few times per month. The problem is that if that happens, I essentially lose a day of work.
No new damages in my building/apartment. My family lives in another state that didn't feel this quake. The one in 85 was not as strong as this one (8 vs. 8.2, updated this morning) and buildings were not built well, hence all the damage and death (building construction laws have changed for the better). Last night's was farther and deeper, too. My building is 42 years old and has withstood all quakes. As much as I love my city, this is another reason (besides the unbearable pollution and the active volcano) why I want to move as far away as possible. My ancestors must have thought what a poetic and exciting place this would be to settle into :crazy: :drink:
P.S. To make this light, I was caught in the toilet when I heard the seismic alarm :lol:

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4879 Post by chaos » Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:22 am

Bicyclists. :sui:

WARNING: Rant to follow.

I hate it when they ride up on my right, especially when they put themselves between my car and parked cars. If they want to ride in the road with cars, they should take the same road space as a car and follow the same rules. I don't care if it slows me down and takes 20 minutes away from day. I would rather be able to see them than risk maiming or killing someone because I swerved to my right to avoid a potential catastrophe that I actually could see.

I encountered three people last night who rode as though they each had a death wish. The first one snuck up on my right. I slowed down so he could pass me - which he did - although he continued to ride on the side instead of in front of me. He must have thought he was doing me a favor. The road was crazy busy with four lanes, construction, exits etc. It is not as though he is simply riding in a straight in a line. He also doesn't seem to consider if he hits a piece of debris he will not only fall, but he will fall into traffic. He got far enough ahead of me that he was able to beat the light, cross 4 lanes of traffic, and turn onto a side street (to no doubt torment another group of drivers).

Right after that I encountered two more bicyclists riding in tandem. I let them get ahead of me (although the stayed on the side :mad: ). I eventually passed them after getting a head start after a stop at a red light. I originally thought they were going to turn since the lead guy stuck his left arm straight out as though he wanted to move across lanes or something. But no; he was having an animated conversation with the guy behind him.

AND none of the three bicyclists wore a helmut.

I have been coming to grips with the new bike lanes in my town (which are essentially suicide lanes); however, yesterday's encounters were not in my area. I can't cope.

I remember, reading a couple of years ago, about an incident somewhere in Boston where a bicyclist ran a red light and a driver nearly hit him. The driver chased after him, and once he caught up, got out of his car and proceeded to punch some sense into him. I am not a violent person, but that driver is my hero. :lol:

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4880 Post by kv » Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:27 pm

Is it bad when you are going to bed at 3am and a gurgling sound is coming out of your house? What about when you walk in your bedroom and water is pushing up through the cement slab?...not a old cement slab mind you...it's just three years old...ya know from the last time the mainline broke and a plumber got rich :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4881 Post by Artemis » Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:49 am

kv wrote:Is it bad when you are going to bed at 3am and a gurgling sound is coming out of your house? What about when you walk in your bedroom and water is pushing up through the cement slab?...not a old cement slab mind you...it's just three years old...ya know from the last time the mainline broke and a plumber got rich :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Oh man, that sucks. Having dealt with a lot of trades lately, I know it's VERY expensive to fix that kind of stuff. Those guys- and a few gals- who learned a trade arer making a ton of money!

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4882 Post by Pandemonium » Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:45 am

kv wrote:Is it bad when you are going to bed at 3am and a gurgling sound is coming out of your house? What about when you walk in your bedroom and water is pushing up through the cement slab?...not a old cement slab mind you...it's just three years old...ya know from the last time the mainline broke and a plumber got rich :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
That sucks hard. Did you pay out of pocket or did your insurance cover the original brake?

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4883 Post by farrellgirl99 » Fri Sep 29, 2017 7:57 pm

my boyfriend and i broke up today. he was/is my first serious relationship/love. we lasted almost two years. it wasn't a mutual decision, but i dont have any ill will towards him other then it just being really painful.

this fucking sucks! any advice for first time heartbreak?

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4884 Post by mockbee » Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:10 pm

Sorry to hear FG.

I got no good advice.... just be sure to keep your head up and have faith time will heal.

And always be sure to love yourself no matter what.


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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4885 Post by nausearockpig » Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:30 pm

Sorry to hear.

Allow time to feel sad, but try to spend time with those that make you happy.

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4886 Post by Larry B. » Sun Oct 01, 2017 5:07 am

Yeah, sorry to hear that. Just make sure that you stay within the boundaries of self-care. Like, make sure you eat properly, stay in touch with friends, that kind of thing.

Music, books and good movies can also help sorting out thoughts and feelings.

Take care of yourself :pat:

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4887 Post by Matz » Sun Oct 01, 2017 6:36 am

sorry FG, maybe check out some self help videos on youtube on the subject :noclue:

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4888 Post by kv » Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:29 pm


and obviously lean on your friends...they will fill your head with all things them..which is nice when the last thing you wanna do is self reflect...and treat yourself...nice meals...concerts...excite your senses...fucking live...force yourself down the road in the upmost of luxury and pampering...because fuck that dude...your show goes on! :hehe:

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4889 Post by chaos » Sun Oct 01, 2017 3:20 pm

@FG: You are still growing emotionally and, as I'm sure you already know, couples don't end up moving in the same direction. It sounds as though you are handling this well. Although there is no animosity between you, if he comes around and wants to "hang out" and be "friends" I strongly suggest you don't this. At least not right away; maybe down the road once you are truly over him. You don't want to end up in a situation where you still have feelings for him and are occasionally hooking up. You will have a harder time moving on and just end up more hurt and confused.

In the meantime stay busy. As KV said, pamper yourself. Have fun. Get out of your predictable routine. You live in NYC!!

(And for God's sake, no drunken texts! Post here instead!! :bigrin: )


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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4890 Post by perkana » Sun Oct 01, 2017 6:45 pm

nausearockpig wrote:Sorry to hear.

Allow time to feel sad, but try to spend time with those that make you happy.
This helps a lot!

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4891 Post by perkana » Sun Oct 01, 2017 6:49 pm

chaos wrote: In the meantime stay busy. As KV said, pamper yourself. Have fun. Get out of your predictable routine. You live in NYC!!

(And for God's sake, no drunken texts! Post here instead!! :bigrin: )

Great advice! I'm glad I had no social media nor cellphone when I broke up with someone the first time.

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4892 Post by farrellgirl99 » Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:26 pm

Thank you all SO MUCH :gh: just reading your posts makes me feel better.

Social media definitely adds an entire dimension. I'm trying to go cold turkey so we deleted each other on fb, I deleted my Instagram (temporarily Atleast), got rid of photos from my phone etc. I wouldn't even say I posted that much about our relationship but you soon realize the person is omnipotent on the internet.

I am still in grad school taking three classes and I have two jobs so i am already busy and will just try to dive into that. Go out and have fun too in time.

Thanks again everyone. And chaos, I didn't even think about the drunken texts yet lol that is incredibly solid advice I will have to give my phone to someone when I'm out.


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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4893 Post by Artemis » Mon Oct 02, 2017 1:13 pm

Sorry to hear that, FG. :sad:
As the others have said, time, self-care and reconnecting with friends and family will help you through. I would also like to add, try not to overanalyze at this time why things didn't work out. Easier said than done, I know, but in time you will have greater clarity.


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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4894 Post by Larry B. » Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:23 am

Annoying me today: my fucking stomach.

It seems like I can't tolerate onion anymore. Every time I eat something with onion in it, I spend about 24-36 hours with an extremely annoying stomach ache. It's not even that I have diarrhea or anything like that, it's just this fucking pain that won't stop. And I'd still have to go to the toilet 3 or 4 times.

I'm not even gonna miss that fucking vegetable.

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4895 Post by SR » Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:57 am

Larry B. wrote:I'm not even gonna miss that fucking vegetable.
Ah, yes you are...it's used as an aromatic in a lot....I mean, likely, A LOT of what you eat. If you have a broad/eclectic diet you eat lots of onion you can't see.

But, feel better, for real. :nod:

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4896 Post by farrellgirl99 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:20 am

SR wrote:
Larry B. wrote:I'm not even gonna miss that fucking vegetable.
Ah, yes you are...it's used as an aromatic in a lot....I mean, likely, A LOT of what you eat. If you have a broad/eclectic diet you eat lots of onion you can't see.

But, feel better, for real. :nod:
that sucks. i cant eat crockpot onions. i actually cant eat anything cooked in a crockpot. fucks with my stomach every time.

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4897 Post by clickie » Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:40 am

Don't worry its socially acceptable nowadays to be a picky eater who won't eat onions

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4898 Post by Pandemonium » Mon Oct 09, 2017 4:42 pm

There's a big fire in the Anaheim Hills which is about 15 miles NE of me and the smoke and ash plum is dumping right over my area. It's literally snowing black and white ash:


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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4899 Post by chaos » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:45 pm

^ That would freak me out. :scared:

@Pandemonium - Is that the closest the fires have ever come to your residence?

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Re: What's annoying you today?

#4900 Post by kv » Wed Oct 11, 2017 6:14 pm

chaos wrote:^ That would freak me out. :scared:

@Pandemonium - Is that the closest the fires have ever come to your residence?
I'm going to try and answer for him and say no...

There was a very bad fire in the 90's in the Laguna Hills...that burnt down a lot of homes...me being stupid took it as the perfect time to drive behind closed road blocks so I could "experience" it....needless to say the last 20 years I haven't tried such a stunt again..(I can still vividly remember too much of it today...felt like driving around inside an erupting volcano) the ash from that blew to my house some 50 miles away...wildfire sunsets are amazingly beautiful and tragic...when I got within 10 miles of that fire it looked like a snowstorm and smelled like burning couches...and it just got worse the closer I got.

I have several elderly family members displaced with the fires in no cal, one moved from the hospital she was at. They are far more deadly then the so cal fires ATM... my sister a school teacher said the schools are all being closed till Monday...due to the horrid air quality in Oakland which isn't in any danger.

Earthquakes and wildfires are our burden to bare to live by the Pacific. It's all good until someone you love is impacted... ironicly the same lady who was moved from her hospital...and whose husband was taken out of their home...had quite the time getting over the Big San Fran earthquake...she was on the underside of a dbl stacker freeway that collapsed killing a bunch of people...she on a thought of a nearby bakery she was about to pass and on a whim got off the freeway 30 seconds before the quake hit...poor lady, stay tough Maureen!

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