What is going on with the sea lion pups in California?

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What is going on with the sea lion pups in California?

#1 Post by chaos » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:00 pm


Some of the ICU pups...
http://www.ktvq.com/news/starvation-end ... ifornia/#_
Starvation endangers sea lions in Southern California
Posted: Mar 23, 2013 3:18 PM by Teresa Garcia - CBS News

(CBS News ) LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. - In California, young sea lions are in danger of starving to death and it is not clear why.

"I'm going on a rescue right now," said Peter Wallerstein talking on his cell phone while in his truck. "'I've already rescued two sea lions."

Wallerstein can barely keep up with the distress calls. His sea mammal rescue operation has already saved 240 California sea lion pups this year.

"Not much energy left in this guy," he said about one particular sea lion. Almost all were dying from starvation.

"We found them seven miles up the flood control channel, found them under a car, and we don't really know why," he said.

On average, about a hundred sea lions are rescued in Southern California during the winter. But 700 have been picked up over the last three months.

"They're very sick," said Keith Matassa, who runs the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach. His team is nursing 115 sea lions back to health.

"A normal sea lion at this age -- 8 to 9 months old -- should be around 60, 70 pounds," said Matassa. "We're seeing them come into our center at 20 to 25 pounds, and really they look like walking skeletons."

Sea lions depend on herring, sardines and other small fish found close to California's coast.

Sarah Wilkin is a marine biologist with the National Marine Fisheries Service. Asked why it has reached this point, she said: "We're looking at whether the prey that these animals should be eating just isn't available to them for some reason, and that could be because there's less of it or because it's moved and it's not accessible."

It can take four months of care before the animals are strong enough to be released back into the Pacific.

"This is the ultimate gift watching an animal come in as a walking skeleton," said Matassa, "and watching it run off the beach...and just head out where it should be."

Scientists worry they'll find even more starving sea lions in the weeks ahead. April and May are usually peak months for sea lion rescues.

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Re: What is going on with the sea lion pups in California?

#2 Post by Juana » Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:05 pm

That is crazy

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Re: What is going on with the sea lion pups in California?

#3 Post by crater » Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:20 pm

In my completely unscientific opinion, I'm going to say either overfishing, pollution or climate change might something to do with it. One or a combo of the three or all three and more is my guess.

Since I'm on the coast, up the coast, I want to go to where all the sea lions hang out near me and see if the same thing is going on. I usually hear them at night around this time of the year, but now that I think about it, I don't recall hearing them yet this year.

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Re: What is going on with the sea lion pups in California?

#4 Post by Desri » Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:45 pm

Oh how sad. They are such cute little things. The article made it sound like they have to be rescued every year, it's just way worse this year. Does that mean there are always pollution/overfishing issues around their native habitat or is this a natural population check, I wonder. It's so strange for a baby to willingly deprive itself of food. At least I imagine it is.

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Re: What is going on with the sea lion pups in California?

#5 Post by Pandemonium » Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:53 am

Sometimes it's nothing quite so sinister as man-made environmental damage but naturally occurring disease or other issues like ocean currents changing ocean temperatures causing a the food supply to dwindle. From what I've read over the past few years, the US West Coast sea lion population actually exploded in numbers which has in return led to a sharp increase in the Great White Shark population in the Pacific ocean as well. There's a lot we still don't understand about large scale marine life disasters - for instance, why do hundreds of bottlenose dolphins beach themselves mainly on the East Coast every few years?

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Re: What is going on with the sea lion pups in California?

#6 Post by SR » Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:18 am

I was wondering about the shark pop when I read this article.

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