Headed back to the hospital

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Angry Canine
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Headed back to the hospital

#1 Post by Angry Canine » Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:31 pm

I'm going in the hospital. Hopefully just a night or. One location I've tone all of my stays in has Internet access, but I don't know if they have it installed in the location that I live closer to. Don't expect it's the end, but never know.

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Re: Headed back to the hospital

#2 Post by Artemis » Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:58 pm

Hello, AC. Hope all goes well at the hospital.

We're only half way through the baseball season, so you can't check out yet. :lol:


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Re: Headed back to the hospital

#3 Post by Angry Canine » Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:50 am

They didn't keep me. They ran several additional tests on blood, over the usual tests, and I now have 4 additional prescriptions. Some other things were accomplished I got a referral to a Social Worker to help get get additional help getting some more financial aid so no money for food isn't an even bigger problem than how little I can get down anyway. Also help me get a living will, and "stuff" will, before it's to late for me to make either with fully functioning mind (the next phase is kidney failure at which point my brain will flood my brain, and my mind will be lost, at that point they'll knock my ass out with Morphine, and I'll never be conscious again as they wait for the cascade of organ failures to take me which at that point will be anywhere from hours to months it was one more day for my uncle). It's also time now for at least some home care, and the Social Worker will help take care of getting that arranged.

I also got an IV dose of Morphine, the first back pain easing in 9 months.

As for baseball, the Reds (the very first professional team) are en route to their worst record ever since the beginning of pro baseball in the 1860s. (in the first two years there were only amateurs to play against, and it was halfway through their second season before their first loss. And I grew up going and seeing "The Big Red Machine" in the 70's. Only the '27 Yankees are comparable, and now even Yankees money would never be able to assemble a whole team of players that good, much less keep them together so long to become such a cohesive functioning as one, group of all Hall of Fame caliber players. I not only watched Pete play live A LOT, things you hear about him running hard on walks are completely true, he really ran to first on walks like he had to beat the throw on a grounder. But I had a friend that was a bat boy, so I actually knew him just second hand during the managing time, everyone in the team from Marge Schott (the players mostly hated her, and her damn dogs that shit on the field and such) to the bat boys knew of the betting but had no one worried at all he would ever throw a game with dumb decisions to win a bet...they all knew and it didn't bother them. My dad was also a bookie for a couple years after my parents split, and he was pretty sure he was dealing with a guy that was making huge bets that got paid promptly on losses for Pete. The Baseball Hall of fame is for playing baseball, not for being a perfect saint that also played baseball. For god's sake Cobb is in there and he went into the stands and beat up a double amputee for heckling him, and even stabbed a hotel employee for the oh so unforgivable crime of letting a black man inside a hotel where he was staying in.

Because of the bat boy friend, I also hung out for several hours with Todd Benziger, and his wife through the time between doors opening before and through two opening acts until the Dead Milkmen started playing, no one even mentioning baseball, just ordinary conversation when an openers weren't playing.

This year's Reds pitching might be better if they just picked random fans from the stands to pitch, they certainly couldn't do any worse. They've allowed more than 70 more runs than any other pitching staff in MLB, as far as runs scored they're around the exact middle of MLB, If they had the pitching of two years ago they'd be in a serious fight for 1st with the Cubs instead of . But that year Cueto needed to figure out how to give the other team a negative run, because giving up just one run, almost certainly would get him a loss, the chances of the Reds scoring 2 was pretty low. I remember asking when they somehow managed to get a wild card game if they were even going to bother taking the bats to Pittsburgh...only half jokingly. This year's pitching staff is pretty much a comedy troupe.

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Re: Headed back to the hospital

#4 Post by Angry Canine » Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:57 am

Just got word from the pharmacy that Medicare denied me the new prescriptions. They now deny me 5 of my 9 prescriptions. I was forced onto it after two years on disability. My Obamacare insurance paid everything I needed, no out of pocket. Medicare seems to just take ALL of my food money, and denies me everything. It has given me they take all of my food money, and unexpected expense money, before I get my my monthly money, and at the same time created new expenses I can't possibly pay any of. It's actually worse than nothing.

My state's first fucking republican Governor of my lifetime elected last November (I demanded to be released from the hospital that election day to go vote against him, literally has an agenda of starving, and denying health care to kill off the poor people as well as defund public schools as much as he possibly can to provide tax cuts for the rich. The republicans are just plain evil, and that is the full truth. I'm not a Democrat, but I'm incredibly anti-Republican, and third parties have the so system rigged against them that a third party win is not even a possibility, beyond city and county government, possibly state level in some states, but at National level it's they can't even get onto all of the states' ballots, or into debates

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Re: Headed back to the hospital

#5 Post by Romeo » Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:10 pm

isn't it a damn shame this country can't take care of it's own? :no:

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Re: Headed back to the hospital

#6 Post by Angry Canine » Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:59 pm

Romeo wrote:isn't it a damn shame this country can't take care of it's own? :no:
Beyond so. Medical care should not be beholden to shareholder profits. One side here just fights tooth and nail to not Socialize health care, like a civilized country, because Socialism is a synonym for evil they say. They just love their Socialized military, police, and firefighters though.

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Re: Headed back to the hospital

#7 Post by Pandemonium » Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:38 pm

It's a lot more then this decade's move towards socializing healthcare. The real, immediate problem is heathcare both on the insurance and medical side has become a privatized, for-profit industry that's actually been able to take great advantage of loopholes in Obamacare making the US healthcare crisis even worse the past 5 years.

More importantly, I wish you, Angry Canine, the best in your current struggles. Your updates are a sobering and enlightening read.

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