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Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:53 am
by Pandemonium
creep wrote:i finally saw seven psychopaths. i'm not sure how this one got by me when it came out. i thought it was great. the writer and director also did in bruges which i also loved. if you didn't see it you should.

I saw it a while back and felt really let down all said and done. Just seemed like it was trying too hard to be a quirky crime comedy, something like Snatch or Get Shorty. It seems like producers figure throw in a guy like Christopher Walken and it's dark comedy gold. By the way, that "Shih Tzu" line directly relates to the stolen dog which is a key part of the story, but anyone coming into the film blind (which is 90% of the audience) isn't going to make the connection. So yeah, the ad man who thought that was a good tagline should be fired.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:55 pm
by clickie
It's good to see Colin Ferrel starring in better movies lately, he kind of got into a rut with both the Total Recall and Fright Night remakes.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:42 pm
by Xizen47
Colin Farrel is a horrible actor,, right up there with Keanu... Total Recall is probably the height of his acting career

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:50 pm
by clickie
The guys a great actor and I enjoy many of his movies. Keanu doesn't have quite the talent.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:52 pm
by Xizen47
Like Phone Booth,,, SWAT,, Alexander? :lol:

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:59 pm
by clickie
Just off the top of my head, Seven Psychopaths, London Boulevard, The Way Back, In Bruges, The New World, Intermission, last but not least Tigerland...know what i'm saying?

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:25 am
by creep
i watched american hustle. there was so much hype around this movie that i knew i would be disappointed and i was a little bit. it's a good, fun movie but not the best movie of the year. 7/10

on a side note amy adams is hotter than jennifer lawrence.

the screener leaked for you downloaders ... iNGERBLaST


Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:13 pm
by Jasper
Yeah, I watched American Hustle a few days ago. It was good. It wasn't a masterpiece but it was a very good flick, done kind of in the vein of Goodfellas, Casino, or Blow, but more lighthearted.

Christian Bale basically plays Robert Deniro, and he does a good job of it.

Atlantic City has something to do with the story, and Meyer Lansky is mentioned a couple of times, so it's interesting that a couple of beloved Boardwalk Empire actors have small roles.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:23 pm
by kv
watched it last night...def had a goodfellas vibe

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:00 pm
by Pandemonium
Dug up and watched "Dead Ringers" last night. Forgot how good Jeremy Irons was in the twin brother roles. Gonna watch Videodrome tonight... on a big David Cronenberg kick.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:46 pm
by Artemis
I saw Inside Llewyn Davis this afternoon and thought it was depressing, but pretty good. I'd give it 8/10.

I know Larry hated it, and I can see how some people would be bored out of their minds. It doesn't help that the main character, Llewyn is unlikable. There are many unlikable characters in films and books that you can feel some sympathy for or find a good quality, but not Llewyn Davis. There is nothing inside Llewyn Davis. Sure, we know he is trying to make it as a musician, and scant details of his life. Perhaps that's why I was not able to find anything likable about this guy. The actor who played Llewyn Davis was excellent, I thought. The nominations he's been getting are deserved in my opinion. Justin Timberlake and John Goodman were in the movie as well. John Goodman really looked like Fred Flintstone from the episode when he and Barney are beatniks. :lol:

The film was was beautifully shot...really gorgeous to look at.

I didn't really care for the music. Folk is not my preferred genre.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:39 pm
by Jasper
I watched Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine. It was pretty good. The main soundtrack was 20s and 30s blues and jazz, as you might expect to hear in Boardwalk Empire (or any Woody Allen flick, really). So, considering Allen famously loves such music I thought that he might like Boardwalk Empire. This was more or less confirmed when the actor who played Gyp Rosetti showed up and had a major part. Albert Rothstein's actor also shows up for a smaller (but significant) role. Finally, REMUS himself is present at a party scene, but he's not much more than part of a crowd. I thought one of these roles was strangely appropriate, but I didn't realize why until after the film, and it seems to be a crafty nod to Boardwalk Empire...which I won't spoil. Beyond that the vibe of the film has nothing to do with B.E. It's about a clueless socialite and her total fall from grace and subsequent struggles.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:53 pm
by Matz
finally watched Eyes wide shut and enjoyed it. This music from it is just amazing, the perfect creepy music.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:48 pm
by Pandemonium
Matz wrote:finally watched Eyes wide shut and enjoyed it. This music from it is just amazing, the perfect creepy music.
It's a great soundtrack album, I highly recommend it. This YouTube user posted the whole album: ... 7HT9zTm5BX

Killing Joke have been using that music along with the opening bit from "Bladerunner" before they come on stage for the last 6 or so years:

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:06 pm
by Artemis
This evening I watched a charming Dutch documentary called Meet the Fokkens. :thumb:

Louise and Martine Fokkens are 70-year-old identical twins. For 50 years they’ve worked as prostitutes in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. In their long and illustrious careers, they helped establish the first trade union for prostitutes, freed themselves from their pimps and ran their own brothel. Despite being inseparable, Louise has decided to retire from the business and is adjusting to a new life away from sex work. Martine carries on, still needing the money. A different type of clientele visits these local celebrities, as Martine allows us inside her booth to see her day-to-day working life and the men who inhabit it. Now these matriarchs find themselves facing an industry from the outside as it changes beyond recognition, the old set of values they were used to long gone. Meet the Fokkens is a peek behind the curtains of two ladies who have seen and done it all.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:00 pm
by creep
Jasper wrote:I watched Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine. It was pretty good. The main soundtrack was 20s and 30s blues and jazz, as you might expect to hear in Boardwalk Empire (or any Woody Allen flick, really). So, considering Allen famously loves such music I thought that he might like Boardwalk Empire. This was more or less confirmed when the actor who played Gyp Rosetti showed up and had a major part. Albert Rothstein's actor also shows up for a smaller (but significant) role. Finally, REMUS himself is present at a party scene, but he's not much more than part of a crowd. I thought one of these roles was strangely appropriate, but I didn't realize why until after the film, and it seems to be a crafty nod to Boardwalk Empire...which I won't spoil. Beyond that the vibe of the film has nothing to do with B.E. It's about a clueless socialite and her total fall from grace and subsequent struggles.
:lol: you lost me on all of the boardwalk empire stuff.

the movie was ok. i was expecting some comedy but there was none. surprisingly dice clay is a good actor. it was also cool that a lot of it was filmed in san francisco. good not great. so far prisoners is winning over all of these award nominated films. still waiting to see the wolf of wall street and her.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:27 pm
by Jasper
creep wrote::lol: you lost me on all of the boardwalk empire stuff.
I was talking about when Gyp Rosetti goes on his epic tirade and calls Arnold Rothstein a "smug kike midget, creepin' around like a fuckin' dentist with the ether".

Dentists don't use ether anymore, but he offers Jasmine some nitrous oxide as he's creepin' on her. :lol:


Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:10 am
by creep
awwww..ok. your memory must be 1000000z better than mine. :thumb:

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:21 am
by Hype
I agree with creep about Blue Jasmine. It's a good Woody Allen movie, but not one of his best.

American Hustle was also okay but not great. I was very disappointed with Christian Bale. He's been one of my favourite actors at times, and this was touted as some amazing method acting thing, but I think he fell flat.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:37 am
by Larry B.
I saw Alien last night. Pretty cool. 6/10

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:52 pm
by nausearockpig
Larry B. wrote:I saw Alien last night. Pretty cool. 6/10
Wait. As in scary monster that bursts forth from the chest? From 1979 or whenever it came out. With Sigourney weaver?

And u only gave it a 6? Wow.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:35 pm
by Larry B.
nausearockpig wrote:
Larry B. wrote:I saw Alien last night. Pretty cool. 6/10
Wait. As in scary monster that bursts forth from the chest? From 1979 or whenever it came out. With Sigourney weaver?

And u only gave it a 6? Wow.
Yup, that one. I had never been interested in watching it, but I went to see Prometheus and it seemed appropriate to see the rest of the movies. I gave it a 6 because it was quite an entertaining movie, but it's one of those stories where everyone's an idiot and nobody has a measly amount of common sense. Alien life attached to the face? Sure, bring the guy inside the ship. Huge alien inside the ship threatening to kill the last 3 occupants of the ship? Sure, let's SPLIT. Just about to escape from the alien of doom? Wait, let's go back for the cat who doesn't want to be near anyone.

6/10 is an alright movie, I'd recommend it.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:25 pm
by Jasper
Adurentibus Spina wrote:I agree with creep about Blue Jasmine. It's a good Woody Allen movie, but not one of his best.
Of course. It was pretty good, but definitely not as good as Midnight in Paris (sticking to recent films). My favorite latter-day Woody Allen film would have to be Sweet & Lowndown (which is late 90s, I guess).

In other news, Woody Allen's son with Mia Farrow magically turned out to be Frank Sinatra's son. That was great and surprising news to me last summer. It was like getting a little piece of Frank back.


Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:14 pm
by Pandemonium
Larry B. wrote:
nausearockpig wrote:
Larry B. wrote:I saw Alien last night. Pretty cool. 6/10
Wait. As in scary monster that bursts forth from the chest? From 1979 or whenever it came out. With Sigourney weaver?

And u only gave it a 6? Wow.
Yup, that one. I had never been interested in watching it, but I went to see Prometheus and it seemed appropriate to see the rest of the movies. I gave it a 6 because it was quite an entertaining movie, but it's one of those stories where everyone's an idiot and nobody has a measly amount of common sense. Alien life attached to the face? Sure, bring the guy inside the ship. Huge alien inside the ship threatening to kill the last 3 occupants of the ship? Sure, let's SPLIT. Just about to escape from the alien of doom? Wait, let's go back for the cat who doesn't want to be near anyone.

6/10 is an alright movie, I'd recommend it.
I saw Alien on opening weekend back in '79 and it remains one of the greatest cinema experiences I've ever had. Really, from the moment the facehugger latched onto John Hurt's face, everyone in the theater was 100% into the movie and the chestburster scene produced the loudest shocked audience response in a movie I've ever seen or heard. When the movie ended, the entire theater stood and applauded through the entire end credits, something I only previously saw during the opening weekend of Star Wars a few years before.

BTW, I much prefer the original theatrical cut over the Directors cut in which one major scene concerning how this Alien seems to reproduce doesn't make sense when put up against the rest of the movies in the franchise.

Granted, much of what you deride "Alien" for is inarguable and the movie steals heavily from a few 50's b/w sci-fi horror films but the sum and style of the film surpasses it's faults, especially back when it first premiered. I'd give it a 9 of 10.

BTW, you probably will not like Alien 3 (go for the directors cut on that one) and will hate Alien 4 (Resurrection). I'd avoid the two Alien vs Predator movies altogether, the 2nd one is especially terrible.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:29 am
by kv
one of the greatest cinema experiences i've ever had was for sure the south park movie i saw a few people snorting soda out their noses and dying for breath...never seen a theater as a whole lose it like that flick

the other would be saving private ryan ..people left that film in wrecked silence....except for the huge applause at the end

oh and nd the time me and my teen friends went to a rocky horror midnight showing without really knowing what it even was and leaving not long into it in fishnets!! lol