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Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:12 pm
by SR
mockbee wrote:
SR wrote:Watched Birdman........
Did you actively like the ending, or just think it was an okay way to end an excellent film?
loved it. It allowed for a number of different interprerptations, all of which work for me. If I had any complaint, a couple of them are just too optimistic. Funny, my wife hated it and we were just talking about it over coffee this am

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:31 pm
by mockbee
I agree with your wife. :hehe:

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:35 pm
by SR
mockbee wrote:I agree with your wife. :hehe:
I figured that as I made my reply.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:39 pm
by mockbee
SR wrote:
mockbee wrote:I agree with your wife. :hehe:
I figured that as I made my reply.
Did she like the movie and just not the ending, or the whole thing?

I was just disappointed because it was an excellent (dark/funny) movie with what I felt was a slapped together ending. :noclue:

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:26 am
by SR
mockbee wrote:
SR wrote:
mockbee wrote:I agree with your wife. :hehe:
I figured that as I made my reply.
Did she like the movie and just not the ending, or the whole thing?

I was just disappointed because it was an excellent (dark/funny) movie with what I felt was a slapped together ending. :noclue:
She had problems with a few things in the film.

The ending was true to the fact that there were no answers to the multiple struggles that Birdman was tackling in the film, so I thought it was well conceived as with most of the film. Interesting too that a Carver short was chosen as the vehicle for him to attempt his ascension to 'credibility' in theater, and not Beckett, Shakes, O'Neil, etc. Even as Carver goes, Cathedral would have been more appropriate.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:03 pm
by Pandemonium
I finally saw Interstellar late last week on Blu-ray. Probably my most anticipated movie of the last couple years even without the hype it picked up when it hit theaters so of course I was a bit let down after finally watching it. Won't do spoilers but there's a number of things both character driven and a few plot contrivances that bugged me a bit. It's a very good movie but it's nothing close to the more abstract "2001: A Space Odyssey" that I've often heard it compared favorably to.

OK, here's one spoiler:

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:04 pm
by Larry B.
Just finished watching "Whiplash." What a shitfest. Imagine a sports drama with a lot of new-soldier drama, add a nonsensical romantic side-story, and you get this over rated piece of shit.

It's essentially a tough-looking fella abusing a bunch of people, which makes them better. Because he loves them, that's why he must hate them. And the young hero doesn't understand why he's being abused, but in the end he gets it. Abuse is education.

Warning: this movie, seriously, is not about music. Like, at all.


Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:45 am
by Matz

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:31 pm
by perkana
I really liked that one...The ending was kinda like a joke, I give you that. But I enjoyed watching the drummer putting G.K. Simmons in his place.
I agree with it not being about music, now that I think about it, it kinda reminded me of The Turning Point. A movie that takes place in the ballet world, but not really about ballet. It's one of my favorite movies of all time.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 1:26 pm
by creep
anyone else watch the going clear doc on scientology last night on hbo? i had no idea how wacky the "religion" really is. really interesting stuff.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:52 pm
by Pandemonium
creep wrote:anyone else watch the going clear doc on scientology last night on hbo? i had no idea how wacky the "religion" really is. really interesting stuff.

In the early 80's on a hot Summer afternoon, my buddy and I were walking a crowded Hollywood Blvd and as we passed the Scientology building, a couple of their mindless drones approached us for "testing." I should add we'd been drinking at a corner dive for the previous hour so we had a good buzz going. So we figure it would be at least funny to see where this leads. They seperate us and go one on one on us in individual rooms with bullshit like " you cant be happy with your life" and "we can give you purpose." It really is as cult-like as you can imagine. Took us almost two hours to get our stupid asses out of there.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:46 am
by Hype
I always thought it might be fun to do one of those tests just to see for myself, but the more I've heard about that shit the more it's obvious that it would be like the best damned door-to-door salesman ever... and I don't think I want to go anywhere near that. Pandemonium's story just confirms it. They're selling you billion-year long time-shares. :jasper:

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:12 am
by Pandemonium
Adurentibus Spina wrote:I always thought it might be fun to do one of those tests just to see for myself, but the more I've heard about that shit the more it's obvious that it would be like the best damned door-to-door salesman ever... and I don't think I want to go anywhere near that. Pandemonium's story just confirms it. They're selling you billion-year long time-shares. :jasper:
Even back then in '83ish when these kind of cult groups could still get away with harassing people on the street like the Moonies aggressively hitting you up for money in LAX, what the Scientology goofs were doing at their HQ in Hollywood was undoubtedly outside the law. I remember stories on the news about these guys targeting runaways (just like pimps and drug dealers) who'd wind up in Hollywood from all over the country looking to "make it" as an actor or musicians.

We were basically stuck in individual small rooms with a "tester" and not really given an easy way to leave. Once I quickly got bored and uncomfortable with the novelty of the "interview" and wanted to leave, I had to make it clear I was not Scientology material by being as ridiculously obnoxious as possible ("do we get to have orgies?") 'til the guy just got fed up and realized it was a waste of his time. My buddy was a lot more argumentative, loud and drunk and got thrown out after just just a few minutes and had to wait outside on the street for half an hour for me. I still think they have members out on Hollywood Blvd looking for easy marks but it's nowhere near as obvious as it used to be.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:12 am
by Larry B.
I've just watched it now, I thought it was really really good. It looks very well put together and manages to explain seriously what South Park explained about 10 years ago. Absolutely recommended. Now, I know this would be hard for some, but if you replace "Scientology" with any other cult or religion, you get essentially the same result: the ones are the top are all just a bunch of people trying to live tax free, their organizations are worth millions or billions of dollars and their followers are fucking bananas. Walking on water? Surviving 40 days in the desert? Being born again as a cow? Parasitic aliens live inside you? Suuure...


Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:28 pm
by creep
i have to admit the beiber roast was pretty hilarious. that's my review.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:34 pm
by Artemis
creep wrote:i have to admit the beiber roast was pretty hilarious. that's my review.

I liked Martha Stewart's bit. If she didn't sound like she was reading from the monitor it would have been way funnier.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:43 am
by clickie
I hate to be the one to say it but the new Mad Max film looks kinda lame. I'm only judging by the previews, so i'm not saying the movie might not end up being awesome. The previews have been getting a lot of praise, so it'll probably be one of the few blockbusters to carry an "R" rating in recent memory. I think it comes out 2 weeks after the avengers movie. I wouldve waited 3 weeks to release it.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:02 pm
by clickie
Why not have Mel Gibson play Max anyways, he aint that old.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:25 pm
by perkana
A drunk antisemitic futuristic mad max

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:20 am
by Larry B.
Saw "The Ghost in the Shell" a few nights ago. Really, really good. 7/10.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:02 am
by Bandit72
I watched The Shining again recently, which I think is Nicholson's best film, and I found this which is pretty cool.

I never realised Kubrick shot the stair scene 127 times. That must've been properly insane for the actors. Loads of other interesting facts here ... ut-shining

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:23 am
by Matz
it's one of my favorite movies. can't believe Nicholson wasn't even nominated for an Oscar that year....the video is from a documentary you'll find on a special edition version

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:31 am
by Bandit72
Matz wrote:can't believe Nicholson wasn't even nominated for an Oscar that year
I agree. He's just incredible in that specific stair case scene.

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:06 pm
by perkana

Re: Movies or "the breakdown of jasper"

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:21 pm
by creep
perkana wrote::wiggle:
isn't some of the same footage used again that was already in the first trailer?

i never saw any of the movies past the 4th one. i would be interested in seeing this but no way i'm seeing it the first two weeks. it's going to break records i'm sure.