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Paris, again :o(

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:31 pm
by Bandit72
It seems that your local unfriendly supernatural worshippers have been at work again. A hostage situation at the Eagles of Death Metal concert is occurring at the Bataclan. Suicide bombers outside the football stadium and 11 shot dead in a restaurant.

I am lost for words, but I am not surprised, I hope that makes sense. This world is really fucked up at the moment.

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:51 pm
by kv
it's always been fucked up and always will be...7 billion people...some are always gonna be nut but that's the reality of life

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 4:59 pm
by mockbee

Goddamn them. :no:

Paris. :gh:

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:35 pm
by mockbee
As tragic as this is, and this looks really major, there absolutely cannot be a terrorist attack in the US in the next 12 months. The US and the world cannot afford a president Cruz or Rubio, Trump and Carson are bumbling fools and would fold, but the other two would just ramp up rhetoric and likely get elected over HIllary..... and W in retrospect would be a lightweight......

Looks like Paris police didn't stall on the hostage situation, stormed the venue, probably, hopefully saved lives.........

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:49 pm
by Pandemonium
Bad as this was, it could have been infinitely worse had these cancer fucks waited a day and decided to storm tomorrow night's (now postponed) U2 show in Paris which was to be broadcast worldwide live on HBO. Shooting and blowing up hundreds and perhaps thousands of fans in an arena at a major band's concert on live tv is every Jihadist' wet dream.

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:24 am
by kv
U2 probably has security checks where the club show had none

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:58 am
by Bandit72
These are the types of people that need to disappear under the depths of the ocean.

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:54 am
by Pandemonium
kv wrote:U2 probably has security checks where the club show had none
Yeah, I'm sure a big band like U2 and the arena itself is a lot more secure then a club, but in the middle of a show, I could see it being pretty easy for a small handful of gunmen storming an arena entrance and getting to the floor and going nuts mowing down hundreds of people in just a couple minute's time. Same with any sporting event - they don't even need to get in the venue, all these psychos need to do is kill some people blowing themselves up at the front gates (which is what I think happened at the soccer game) to make their point (whatever it is).

The end result, at least in the short term is this is being seen as an attack on live music, at least by some in the music community. The next time any of us go to a show whether it's a club, arena or stadium, we'll be almost subconsciously looking at exits, suspiciously looking at everyone around us, not feeling quite comfortable. I remember seeing The Cult just weeks after 9/11 in downtown LA at the Olympic Auditorium and it was the weirdest, most subdued atmosphere for a concert I can ever recall. Getting in to shows will (should) be more tedious, as security for any large public events will be beefed up. Already bands like the Foo Fighters have canceled the rest of their European tours, France is in lockdown for days if not weeks going forward.

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:10 am
by Mescal
I think it s a stupid move to cancel a whole tour.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:06 am
by kv
Ya panda I went to the first Monday night football game after 9/11...was bizarre

As for Americans cancelling much as you want to carry on and not let the terrorists win I'm sure they want to go home to American and prob have a big push from family to do so

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:33 am
by Mescal
kv wrote:Ya panda I went to the first Monday night football game after 9/11...was bizarre

As for Americans cancelling much as you want to carry on and not let the terrorists win I'm sure they want to go home to American and prob have a big push from family to do so

But what’s the point?

From now on, no more shows by American bands in Europe? Or no more live shows at all anymore? No more sport events?

The attack has been acted out. There won’t be another one tomorrow.

Maybe in six months or whatever, but then it’ll be somewhere else.

There’s been attacks on buildings, subways, rock shows, etc ... not every building closed after 9/11, subways didn’t close after Madrid, busses didn’t stop after London, so why should the Foo Fighters cancel their tour?

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:19 pm
by kv
Because they want to?

Looks like there were only 4 shows left...there is a time for mourning...much like after 9/11

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 1:13 pm
by krakle
Foos are good friends of them, right? Of course they'll tour Europe again, but now is not the time.


Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:07 am
by guysmiley
This shit has had me down for the last few days. So much so that I lashed out at people changing their profile photos on facebook. Sorry to the few people on here I may have wrongly lashed out at. I just hate this shit. I don't think it will even change in the current state of the world. That's really sad to me. Devastatingly so.

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:23 am
by Romeo
kv wrote:Ya panda I went to the first Monday night football game after 9/11...was bizarre

As for Americans cancelling much as you want to carry on and not let the terrorists win I'm sure they want to go home to American and prob have a big push from family to do so
I didn't go but a lot of my friends were at the 1st Baseball game in NY after 9/11 (Mets vs Braves). It was a Friday night and everyone was sad, edgy scared...but mostly sad.
After that game going to the stadium was like trying to go through security at JFK, bag check, metal detector and pat down.

I feel for the people in Paris. And I understand the sadness and fear. But canceling events means the terrorist win. We shouldn't live in fear.

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:46 am
by kv
Ya that green bay game...after the cavity search they had two guys handing out little American flags on sticks..except one of the guys job was to remove the two staples and stick...just giving us the material part..kinda knew then the world was never gonna be the same

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:02 am
by Hype
This shit has had me down for the last few days. So much so that I lashed out at people changing their profile photos on facebook. Sorry to the few people on here I may have wrongly lashed out at. I just hate this shit. I don't think it will even change in the current state of the world. That's really sad to me. Devastatingly so.
I don't think that's the point. The world isn't changed by individual actions. The world changes as a result of extremely complex social and political movements that no individual could ever control. And it's a good thing too, because if individuals could change the whole world, the world would be even more fucked up than it is when a few individuals blow up innocent people and cause us to freak out for a while.

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:39 pm
by mockbee
So many people of all stripes offended.......sad, angry, scared or whatever due to the events makes sense, but most of what I have seen in this virtual world we have created is people offended with each other, and I think that is disappointing.

Maybe humans were not meant to be this connected. Information overload. :noclue:

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:43 pm
by perkana
I hate innocent people getting killed...
France bombed the Syrian city of Raqqa on Sunday night, its most aggressive strike against the Islamic State group it blames for killing 129 people in a string of terrorist attacks across Paris only two days before. ... .html?_r=0
...and attacked (even when these people have fled their country because of Islam extremists)
A huge fire has broken out at the vast ‘Jungle’ refugee camp near the French port of Calais, just hours after a string of bloody attacks struck Paris, leaving over 100 dead. ... camp-fire/

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:57 pm
by Artemis
I went to a concert last night and the security was noticeably increased. It took longer to go through with 3 points to clear.
I got a pat-down, and my entire handbag was checked. I had to open the zipped pockets and my small makeup case too. My friend even had his cigarette package checked!

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:44 pm
by nausearockpig
Artemis wrote:I went to a concert last night and the security was noticeably increased. It took longer to go through with 3 points to clear.
I got a pat-down, and my entire handbag was checked. I had to open the zipped pockets and my small makeup case too. My friend even had his cigarette package checked!
bye bye stealth tapers :-(

I know it's nothing compared to people losing their lives and being injured but actions clearly have faaaar reaching effects....

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:41 am
by Bandit72
Seems like the coalition increases. Now the Russians have stepped up their military advance. Trying to work out how this is going to end. I get the feeling destroying Daesh in Syria isn't going to stop Daesh.

In fact it's not really a coalition. It's more like a load of people who don't necessarily like each other v someone they all hate.

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:42 am
by Larry B.
I'm going to the England vs. France friendly match tonight in London. If I don't make it alive... know that I really liked this place.


Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:50 am
by Bandit72
Tu dois chanter La Marseillaise :nod:

Re: Paris, again :o(

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:14 am
by Larry B.
Bandit72 wrote:Tu dois chanter La Marseillaise :nod:
As a foreigner, I think my greatest display of respect will be to remain quiet while the French sing their anthem. I would've done it anyway, but in no way I'd risk butchering their anthem. I'm actually preparing mentally to assist people should anything occur.

And in a more serious note, I just heard 4 sounds quite similar to gunshots. I'm staying 15 minutes away from Wembley. And there were two more just now. I'm gonna check Twitter.

EDIT: nothing on Twitter, must've been cars or something. See ya later, people!