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Re: Coronavirus

#651 Post by Artemis » Sat May 02, 2020 5:30 am

mockbee wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 4:45 am
Have you been to Nunavut?

What's it like up there? Worth a swing by...? :noclue: :lol:

What's the farthest north you've been in Canada?

You have a four corners, where four provinces meet. SK, Manitoba, Nunavut and NW Ter. I got that right on jeopardy. I am good at Canadian Geo... :tiphat:
I haven't been very far north...I think Sudbury,ON is the most northerly place I've been.


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Re: Coronavirus

#652 Post by mockbee » Sat May 02, 2020 6:25 am

Artemis wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 5:30 am
mockbee wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 4:45 am
Have you been to Nunavut?

What's it like up there? Worth a swing by...? :noclue: :lol:

What's the farthest north you've been in Canada?

You have a four corners, where four provinces meet. SK, Manitoba, Nunavut and NW Ter. I got that right on jeopardy. I am good at Canadian Geo... :tiphat:
I haven't been very far north...I think Sudbury,ON is the most northerly place I've been.

Sudbury! :yikes:

Seattle is farther north than Sudbury! (Let alone Vancouver :waits: )

Guess having been to Edmonton has me legions more closer to the arctic tundra than longtime Canadians. :hs: :conf:

Bringing back on the hell are there covid cases in NW Ter. amd Nanavut....?
This has to be reaaly, really contagious. I dont know why there is no much focus on surface contamination. It really seems aerosol is the culprit.


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Re: Coronavirus

#653 Post by SR » Sat May 02, 2020 7:08 am

I think these rent revolts could get ugly

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Re: Coronavirus

#654 Post by clickie » Sat May 02, 2020 8:31 am

Yeah landlords aren't going to show any mercy and it's about to become a problem

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Re: Coronavirus

#655 Post by SR » Sat May 02, 2020 10:15 am

I am really concerned about the ripple effects of this thing. The very real possibilities in every sector are horrifying.....add human nature and voila, broken beyond repair.

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Re: Coronavirus

#656 Post by Artemis » Sat May 02, 2020 5:28 pm

mockbee wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 6:25 am

Sudbury! :yikes:

Seattle is farther north than Sudbury! (Let alone Vancouver :waits: )

Guess having been to Edmonton has me legions more closer to the arctic tundra than longtime Canadians. :hs: :conf:

Bringing back on the hell are there covid cases in NW Ter. amd Nanavut....?
This has to be reaaly, really contagious. I dont know why there is no much focus on surface contamination. It really seems aerosol is the culprit.

I haven't travelled much in Canada. I haven't been west of Ontario, been east though.

NWT cases were due to people who worked in BC then flew back home and spread it among their families. The Nunavit case is being investigated. It doesn't follow the typical scenarios of how COVID spreads.

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Re: Coronavirus

#657 Post by Artemis » Sat May 02, 2020 5:28 pm

mockbee wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 6:25 am

Sudbury! :yikes:

Seattle is farther north than Sudbury! (Let alone Vancouver :waits: )

Guess having been to Edmonton has me legions more closer to the arctic tundra than longtime Canadians. :hs: :conf:

Bringing back on the hell are there covid cases in NW Ter. amd Nanavut....?
This has to be reaaly, really contagious. I dont know why there is no much focus on surface contamination. It really seems aerosol is the culprit.

I haven't travelled much in Canada. I haven't been west of Ontario, been east though.

NWT cases were due to people who worked in BC then flew back home and spread it among their families. The Nunavit case is being investigated. It doesn't follow the typical scenarios of how COVID spreads.

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Re: Coronavirus

#658 Post by mockbee » Mon May 04, 2020 5:17 am

The Truth!








Always loved Dave Eggers. :thumb:

Flattening the Truth on Coronavirus
All your questions about the pandemic, answered. Sort of.

By Dave Eggers
Mr. Eggers is a novelist and journalist.

May 3, 2020

The People (P): What is happening?

Answer (A): A virus has come.

P: Is it dangerous?

A: Very dangerous. But not dangerous to most. It strikes the elderly most viciously. But it can kill the middle-aged, the young, the thin, the healthy.

P: What should we do?

A: Stay away from others. Stay inside.

P: And then we won’t get the virus?

A: Absolutely you will get it. Everyone will get it.

P: Wait. No one told us this. They’re telling us to stay inside and we won’t get it.

A: Well, I’m telling you now. Almost everyone will get it. Seventy percent of you, give or take. Think about it. It’s everywhere, and there’s no vaccine. But we want everyone to get it at different times. Like on a schedule of getting it. At least five million people already have it in the United States.

P: Wait. Five million? Everyone says one million.

A: That’s the known, confirmed cases. We just started testing in earnest like, an hour ago. For every case we know, there’s five, 10, 50 that we don’t know. Maybe they got it and were asymptomatic. Maybe they got sick but not sick enough to go the hospital or get tested. Five million is an extremely low estimate of how many cases there are. It’s probably more like 20 million.

P: Twenty?

A: That’s good news! In a way. That means it’s less deadly to most people than we thought. And it proves the inevitability of you getting it yourself. So stay inside till it’s your turn to get it.

P: How long should we stay inside?

A: I’m thinking two months. No, three. Six? No, 12. Yes, 12!

P: Then it will be gone?

A: The virus? Lord no. It could be 18 months till we get a vaccine. But by then you’ll have already gotten it, so the date doesn’t really matter. Especially given that the virus will come back double-strong in the fall.

P: So it’s less potent in the summer?

A: Absolutely not. Who told you that?

P: You just said it’ll come back stronger in the fall. Which implies its power is dissipated in the summer.

A: Are you a doctor? No? Good. Then pay attention. The virus is everywhere, in every city and state, but we’re flattening the curve. Then it’ll very likely come back with a vengeance in the fall. Winter, too. Also, in the meantime, it’ll be with us all summer with probably no change in its potency. Capiche?

P: No one’s giving us this information.

A: Well, you know how we’re stretching out the cases over a longer period of time? Flattening the curve? We’re also flattening the truth. So just stay inside, and you’ll be fine. Order stuff online. Support your local restaurant.

P: Whew. OK. We can do that.

A: But do so knowing that you are putting the lives of everyone at risk — the cooks, the clerks, the delivery people. I’m actually a bit shocked by your selfishness and the cavalier way you’re sacrificing the lives of people who have no choice but to expose themselves to grave danger during a pandemic.

P: It sounds like you’re saying we shouldn’t order stuff to be delivered.

A: You shouldn’t. Unless you want local businesses to die.

P: So we should support local businesses …

A: Absolutely. While risking their workers’ lives. Yes. Order food, eat it, watch the news about the pandemic that can’t be stopped. Get plenty of sleep, and start smoking. Turns out smokers are less likely to get sick. Which only makes sense! So remember to exercise. Go for a run!

P: Where should we go for a run?

A: Ideally some place where you can spread out, where you aren’t in close proximity to other people.

P: Like the beach? A park?

A: Sure. Beaches and parks are wide-open spaces. They’re about as safe as you can be.

P: We just went to the beach and the park. There were hundreds of other people there.

A: You went to the beach? The park? What were you thinking? There are hundreds of people there! Go home. Be with your kids. Do you have kids?

P: Yes.

A: Well, make sure they keep up with school. Keep up with their worksheets and Zoom, and check their work, and keep them off screens, and go outside, and don’t worry about school. It’s a pandemic, after all.

P: Um. Many of the things you just said sound contradictory.

A: Not at all. I’ll rephrase: Your kids are living through a crisis. It’s all right if they feel anxious, or if you can’t maintain routines or keep up with regular school schedules. Just make sure they don’t fall behind, and remember that kids thrive on routine. So stick to a schedule, but give them space, and stay inside, and go outside, and use technology to connect with teachers and friends, and limit screen time.

P: Wait. So …

A: But enjoy some downtime together! Relax and watch a movie. Cook some food! Just don’t go to the stores, because that’s dangerous to everyone. Order in! But don’t. Stay home. Move to the country. And stay in the city. If you get sick, go to the hospital. But don’t get too sick, because you wouldn’t want to be going to one of those hospitals now! They’re full of sick people!

P: When did you say this would all end again?

A: Eighteen months. That said, the soonest we’ve ever come up with a vaccine was four years.

P: But everyone’s talking about reopening stores and everything now. How does that square with 18 months?

A: That’s easy. People will die.

P: Wait. What?

A: Oh sure. So many more. Oceans of people. Even just 1,500 a day for eighteen months means 800,000 in the U.S. alone will die from this virus. That’s what the Minnesota scientist says. Osterholm. He’s one of the foremost experts in the world. He’s been right every step of the way so far.

P: What? 800,000?

A: That’s if things stay more or less steady. It could be higher, much higher. With the easing of restrictions and all.

P: But isn’t the rate of death declining?

A: Friday was one of the deadliest days yet! And that’s after everyone’s been inside for a month. Once everyone goes back to work, it’ll probably go up significantly. Total blood bath.

P: So why are we easing restrictions?

A: Something something the economy?

P: Excuse me?

A: Mumble mumble the economy maybe?

P: We don’t understand.

A: Listen. People are fatigued. They want to go back to work. They want to shop. More than anything, they want to roll balls toward white pins and make loud bang-bang sound. And then possibly end up with a tube inserted in their trachea, helping them breathe while their lungs cease to function, until they almost invariably die and die alone.

P: Why don’t we just freeze the economy? Just close most businesses and have the government give everyone a living wage while we wait until there’s a vaccine?

A: Hmm. First of all, ridiculous. Second, that would take significant coordination between local, state and federal governments.

P: Can we do that?

A: Well. I don’t know … I mean … OK. For starters, we’d need superadvanced ways to coordinate everyone. We’d certainly need phones. Maybe email. We might even need spreadsheets and/or computers.

P: Do we have all those things?

A: I think we … might? But there are still so many questions. Like, how would we know who to give money to? We’d have to have a national database with all the salaries of all the nation’s workers.

P: Don’t we have that? Seems like we could get that.

A: Here’s another plan: We promise money to pretty much every person and every business. We give this money to maybe half the people, and to a very small percentage of businesses. We let big banks control most of this money meant for small businesses, and the big banks can funnel it to their biggest clients.

P: That sounds terrible.

A: Those big banks sure know how to handle cash!

P: It seems it would just be easier to give people the exact salaries they had before they lost their jobs to one of the deadliest viruses in 100 years. Just freeze everything. Just mutually agree to pause, together, so we don’t have to lose 730,000 more souls.

A: First of all: boring. Where’s the intrigue? The drama? With our system, you have wave after wave of unemployment, with no end in sight. Every week brings something new: business closures, bankruptcies and ruptures of the supply chain — a never-ending, cascading, domino-orgy of lost savings, empty storefronts and shattered dreams. That’s much more exciting than some boring old guaranteed income that would allow everyone to simply ride out the pandemic knowing their jobs and businesses would be there when the virus was defeated.

P: So there’s no plan.

A: Having no plan is the plan! Haven’t you been listening? Plans are for commies and the Danish. Here we do it fast and loose and dumb and wrong, and occasionally we have a man who manufactures pillows come to the White House to show the president encouraging texts. It all works! Eighteen months, 800,000 deaths, no plan, states bidding against states for medicine and equipment, you’re on your own, plans are lame.

P: I’m going to lie down. I don’t feel good.

A: Should we sing a patriotic song? I feel like our forebears would be so proud of us now. It’s just like how we all pulled together in World War II, every element of society, from the White House to Rosie the Riveter, with common purpose and shared sacrifice. This is just like that, except instead of coordination, we have competition, and instead of common cause, we have acrimony and chaos. Instead of fireside chats, F.D.R. and Churchill, we have tweets, Lysol and Ron DeSantis. Other than that, it’s exactly the same.

Dave Eggers is the founder of McSweeney’s and the author of “The Captain and the Glory,” among other books.

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Re: Coronavirus

#659 Post by mockbee » Mon May 04, 2020 5:47 am

SR wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 10:15 am
I am really concerned about the ripple effects of this thing. The very real possibilities in every sector are horrifying.....add human nature and voila, broken beyond repair.
Yup. This is going to permanently change everything. Unless it just magically goes away in 6 mos. I think the question is, will it be bigger than WWII, or even WWI...!?

I think human nature is alright. We're actually pretty smart/resourceful when given time and liberty. Look at the shit we have figured out.....

I mean technology and industrialization is not only deadly and is also astoundingly complex and brilliant......:noclue:

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Re: Coronavirus

#660 Post by Larry B. » Mon May 04, 2020 7:54 am

I've invested the last 5 years of my life moving into football coaching.

Fucking great. :balls:

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Re: Coronavirus

#661 Post by Hype » Mon May 04, 2020 12:26 pm

mockbee wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 5:47 am
SR wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 10:15 am
I am really concerned about the ripple effects of this thing. The very real possibilities in every sector are horrifying.....add human nature and voila, broken beyond repair.
Yup. This is going to permanently change everything. Unless it just magically goes away in 6 mos. I think the question is, will it be bigger than WWII, or even WWI...!?

I think human nature is alright. We're actually pretty smart/resourceful when given time and liberty. Look at the shit we have figured out.....

I mean technology and industrialization is not only deadly and is also astoundingly complex and brilliant......:noclue:
It's probably a bit more like 9/11 than world wars. One of the major impacts of WWII was a huge loss of working-age men (and spouses / fathers). COVID-19's main loss of life will be the very elderly, which is very different. The economic impact will be worse than 9/11, and more global, but more similar to it, in that it involves things like grounding regional and international travel/flights/vacations, and knock-on effects on tourism and related industries. The effects on manufacturing, shipping, and service are kind of the opposite of what happens in wartime (with the exception of increases in prices of certain things).

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Re: Coronavirus

#662 Post by mockbee » Mon May 04, 2020 1:49 pm

Well I guess I was referencing more overall severity/far reaching nature of event impact. Not literally how it impacts.

Yeah, like a 9/11 everyday though......

In terms of deaths to an isolated group of civilians, that doesn't impact labor directly. But does have a huge impact on the world's notion of safety and ability to conduct business in an "unsecure" environment, where doing anything is a potential threat to ones/families safety.

Stressing the everyday 9/11 component as well. After 9.11 it was just a matter of people's gumption to resume activities. This is literally, don't go out or you put people at risk...guess the fear component is a slow burn though.

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Re: Coronavirus

#663 Post by mockbee » Mon May 04, 2020 2:58 pm

mockbee wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 1:49 pm
Well I guess I was referencing more overall severity/far reaching nature of event impact. Not literally how it impacts.

Yeah, like a 9/11 everyday though......

In terms of deaths to an isolated group of civilians, that doesn't impact labor directly. .....

Well, actually, let me correct myself. It does impact a significant slice of labor directly. Healthcare workers AND anyone affiliated with frontline/healthcare work are dying/at risk.
Three hospital workers gave out masks. Weeks later, they all were dead.

...Ryan Christopher Jones for The New York Times

They did not treat patients, but Wayne Edwards, Derik Braswell and Priscilla Carrow held some of the most vital jobs at Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens.

As the virus tore through the neighborhood, their department managed the masks, gloves and other protective gear inside Elmhurst, a public hospital at the center of the city’s outbreak. They ordered the inventory, replenished the stockroom and handed out supplies, keeping count as the number of available masks began to dwindled.

By April 12, they were all dead.

The pandemic has taken an undisputed toll on doctors, nurses and other front-line health care workers. But it has also ravaged the often-invisible army of nonmedical workers in hospitals, many of whom have fallen ill or died with little public recognition of their roles.

The victims included the security guards watching over emergency rooms. They were the chefs who cooked food for patients. They assigned hospital beds and checked patients’ medical records. They greeted visitors and answered phones. They mopped the hallways and took out the garbage.

“You know how people clap for health workers at 7 o’clock? It’s mainly for the nurses and doctors. I get it. But people are not seeing the other parts of the hospital,” said Eneida Becote, whose husband died last month after working for two decades as a patient transporter. “I feel like those other employees are not focused upon as much.”

UNSUNG HEROES The virus has taken a steep toll on the often-invisible army of employees who keep New York’s hospitals running.

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Re: Coronavirus

#664 Post by Artemis » Mon May 04, 2020 3:39 pm

Haha...this really made me laugh.


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Re: Coronavirus

#665 Post by Hype » Mon May 04, 2020 3:56 pm

mockbee wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 2:58 pm
mockbee wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 1:49 pm
Well I guess I was referencing more overall severity/far reaching nature of event impact. Not literally how it impacts.

Yeah, like a 9/11 everyday though......

In terms of deaths to an isolated group of civilians, that doesn't impact labor directly. .....

Well, actually, let me correct myself. It does impact a significant slice of labor directly. Healthcare workers AND anyone affiliated with frontline/healthcare work are dying/at risk.
Three hospital workers gave out masks. Weeks later, they all were dead.

...Ryan Christopher Jones for The New York Times

They did not treat patients, but Wayne Edwards, Derik Braswell and Priscilla Carrow held some of the most vital jobs at Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens.

As the virus tore through the neighborhood, their department managed the masks, gloves and other protective gear inside Elmhurst, a public hospital at the center of the city’s outbreak. They ordered the inventory, replenished the stockroom and handed out supplies, keeping count as the number of available masks began to dwindled.

By April 12, they were all dead.

The pandemic has taken an undisputed toll on doctors, nurses and other front-line health care workers. But it has also ravaged the often-invisible army of nonmedical workers in hospitals, many of whom have fallen ill or died with little public recognition of their roles.

The victims included the security guards watching over emergency rooms. They were the chefs who cooked food for patients. They assigned hospital beds and checked patients’ medical records. They greeted visitors and answered phones. They mopped the hallways and took out the garbage.

“You know how people clap for health workers at 7 o’clock? It’s mainly for the nurses and doctors. I get it. But people are not seeing the other parts of the hospital,” said Eneida Becote, whose husband died last month after working for two decades as a patient transporter. “I feel like those other employees are not focused upon as much.”

UNSUNG HEROES The virus has taken a steep toll on the often-invisible army of employees who keep New York’s hospitals running.
Yeah, I should have included that there's obviously going to be a pretty brutal effect on healthcare workers (not just deaths now, but PTSD, etc.), which I think is similar to the effect on FDNY, NYPD. And again, obviously not the same as a single terror attack in literal details of the event(s). That's obviously a silly comparison if you're not making the correct analogy -- so is comparing COVID-19 to the Eastern Front, or storming the beaches at Normandy. Good analogies are difficult because people get hung up on dissimilarities that aren't relevant to the point of the analogy. (And part of the point should be trying to convey something important.)

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Re: Coronavirus

#666 Post by mockbee » Mon May 11, 2020 10:32 am

"I guess @united is relaxing their social distancing policy these days? Every seat full on this 737," Dr. Ethan Weiss said in a tweet on Saturday.
Uh......yeah, not flying anytime soon.........

I was supposed to go visit relatives in WV next month. Got a notice that my flight was canceled last week and rescheduled and dropped me off in Chicago instead of Charleston.... 500 miles short of my desitination with two extra stops....phhhht....."rescheduled" so United doesn't have to give me a refund, and can consolidate flights, to look like above........... :waits: :essence:

Whatever I am just taking the credit....

I don't even really care about possibly getting the virus. I've been taking standard precautions, but I still I figure it's going to happen or not happen. People I know have got the virus and they were doing the whole 9 yards of isolation and wiping down groceries, etc...... Just the social awkwardness of appropriateness is impossible to parse out and I don't feel like dealing with it....
:jasper: :jasper: :jasper: :bored: :banghead: :drink:
The model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington now forecasts more than 137,000 Americans will die by early August, up from its previous forecast of 134,000 deaths.

That rise is largely due to Americans moving around more, IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray said in a news release, adding that in some places the upward trend in movement began before statewide measures were relaxed. Researchers tracked that movement through anonymous cell phone data, according to the release.

"Unless and until we see accelerated testing, contact tracing, isolating people who test positive, and widespread use of masks in public, there is a significant likelihood of new infections," Murray said in the release.

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Re: Coronavirus

#667 Post by kv » Mon May 11, 2020 3:03 pm

:evilol: covid post 666

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Re: Coronavirus

#668 Post by Bandit72 » Thu May 14, 2020 11:06 am

Interesting about Mexico. I bet the cartels don't give a shit. ... s-11987235

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Re: Coronavirus

#669 Post by Larry B. » Thu May 14, 2020 11:37 am

In Chile, we've just gone from about 300 new cases per day (which was complete bullshit official numbers) to over 2,000 new cases per day. There's a total lockdown for Santiago starting tomorrow. A collapse of the healthcare system is predicted for probably the last week of May and/or first week of June.

These fascist capitalist fuckwits are just letting people die. Why couldn't do this lockdown in fucking March, when we had our first cases and when China, Italy and Spain had already collapsed but South Korea and Germany were doing things properly.

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Re: Coronavirus

#670 Post by Matz » Thu May 14, 2020 11:40 am

sorry to hear that Larry, that's tough.

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Re: Coronavirus

#671 Post by Hype » Thu May 14, 2020 8:11 pm

What does "lockdown" amount to in Chile?

Up here in Canada, since mid-March the provinces have pretty much shut everything except grocery stores, restaurant-delivery, and essential services down for like two months, banned gatherings of more than five people (including in homes). They even stopped all but emergency surgeries at the hospitals. But I don't know if "lockdown" means something stronger than that. What were the "physical distancing" policies in place, if any, prior to this?

Ontario is about to start phase one of reopening things since we seem to have dropped to only 250-300 or so new cases a day (in a province of 14.5 million) for several days in a row. We had a high of 640. There are only 3500 or so active cases in the province (31,000 for the country).

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Re: Coronavirus

#672 Post by Bandit72 » Fri May 15, 2020 5:47 am

It's been predicted that there will be a second wave in this country by the end of the month. Wednesday was 'go back to work if you can' day. So obviously on Wednesday public transport took a right battering. Why they couldn't have done lock down for another month and THEN assessed the situation I have no idea. Supermarkets are still very strict but I've noticed far more people out and about as if it's all done and dusted.

If it does all go tits up in June, there will be another lock down and probably a lot stricter than the first one.

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Re: Coronavirus

#673 Post by Larry B. » Fri May 15, 2020 6:03 am

Hype wrote:
Thu May 14, 2020 8:11 pm
What does "lockdown" amount to in Chile?

Up here in Canada, since mid-March the provinces have pretty much shut everything except grocery stores, restaurant-delivery, and essential services down for like two months, banned gatherings of more than five people (including in homes). They even stopped all but emergency surgeries at the hospitals. But I don't know if "lockdown" means something stronger than that. What were the "physical distancing" policies in place, if any, prior to this?

Ontario is about to start phase one of reopening things since we seem to have dropped to only 250-300 or so new cases a day (in a province of 14.5 million) for several days in a row. We had a high of 640. There are only 3500 or so active cases in the province (31,000 for the country).
Yeah, I worded that poorly.

Starting tonight, the entire Santiago province (with about 5 million people) will be in quarantine. I.e., everyone is expected to stay home. Companies can open basically as they see fit, but since there's not people walking around to buy things, most companies are closed and have either fired or furloughed their employees. Essential services are to remain open, and you need to take out a permit to leave your house. If you don't get the permit and are caught by the police without it, you can be fined. Also, since early March we are under curfew from 10 PM to 5 or 6 AM. Soldiers can also be seen throughout the day sort of policing the streets, supposedly making sure that the supply chain is working properly.

The Chilean 'government' is not disclosing how they get the numbers they share officially every day. The National College of Doctors has been fighting with the government since early March because of this, to no avail. The Ministry of Health has also been placing more and more obstacles to get tested, so now you have to fulfil a criteria of like 5 requirements, otherwise they'll just send you home with an aspirin or something. Plenty of people have died from covid-19 after being denied tests. Now, if you're on the private healthcare system, you can just go, pay and get tested.

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Re: Coronavirus

#674 Post by mockbee » Fri May 15, 2020 6:19 am

Larry B. wrote:
Fri May 15, 2020 6:03 am
Essential services are to remain open, and you need to take out a permit to leave your house. If you don't get the permit and are caught by the police without it, you can be fined. Also, since early March we are under curfew from 10 PM to 5 or 6 AM. Soldiers can also be seen throughout the day sort of policing the streets, supposedly making sure that the supply chain is working properly.
Yikes. :scared:

I don't think we would ever get to that point here. Of course, it's all a matter of perspective. If I drive my car without a license or insrance I can get fined/go to jail.....

How do you get a physical permit to go outside? They mail it to you? You go to an office somewhere? Do people take it seriously? -> Civilians/govt?

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Re: Coronavirus

#675 Post by Larry B. » Fri May 15, 2020 6:51 am

You visit an 'online police station', select why you want/need to go out (e.g., to buy groceries or medicine, to walk your dog, to have a walk with a disabled person, to go to the doctors, to a funeral, etc.), wait about 10-15 minutes and get it in your e-mail.

Or you can also go to your closest police station and request one.

I've read that some people have been charged money for a permit, which is obviously illegal.

And you can request a maximum of 2 permits per week.

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