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Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:06 am
by Artemis
Six7Six7 wrote: I guess i was wrong about the magic show. Although I'm not sure that sounds much better. Is it one of those "you need to be there to understand" things? Sounds very strange considering their time limitations.
the way that Esq described the 'theatrical' part of the show doesn't sound all that appealing to me. hopefully, it will be a "you need to be there to understand".

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:20 am
by clickie
i'd flip out if i went to a janes show and they didnt play whores or up the beach.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:47 am
by Japhy
clickie wrote:i'd flip out if i went to a janes show and they didnt play whores or up the beach.
I get what you're saying but i'm at the stage now where i need to be going to Jane's shows and not knowing what they're gonna play... it was getting so tired that it wasn't remotely funny.

Lose Whores and get Classic Girl - sounds fair to me at this stage.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:12 am
by creep
so where is hokahey's review? :waits:

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:37 am
by thoreau
Wow, well you can't say they didn't change up the setlist. Looks pretty damn refreshing!


Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:38 am
by thoreau
creep wrote:so where is hokahey's review? :waits:
Esq left Hoka in a gutter somewhere last night...

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:45 am
by Larry B.
If anything happened to him, I'm inclined to blame the Farrells.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:32 am
by jptm

finally, but really---one new song off the new album is added---along with 'classic girl' and 'i would for you'... not really adding much, IMO.

using a backing track for this, too... perry's vocs are just so fucking weak now....

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:49 am
by Romeo
Classic girl musically sounded awesome. :thumb:

Vocally....not so much. A week from now should be sounding even worse...

BTW was that my Grandma's lamp on stage??

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:51 am
by Artemis
Here's a newspaper review I saw on JA.COM ... ageant.php

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:00 am
by chaos
Larry B. wrote:If anything happened to him, I'm inclined to blame the Farrells.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:08 am
by Pandemonium
These clips and what Esq says about his show doesn't make me want to go out of my way to see them when they hit LA. Only 14 songs with three momentum-killing breaks in the set and you know this is going to be the set for the entire run... it all looks and sounds tired and lazy.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:14 am
by creep
you guys know that there aren't going to be more than 14 songs. everyone wanted them to add some songs they never play and to add new songs and they did. for those of you that are still not satisfied i think you just need to realize that you just don't like this band anymore.

i agree though ending with "words" is pretty weak.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:15 am
by creep
jptm wrote: finally, but really---one new song off the new album is added---along with 'classic girl' and 'i would for you'... not really adding much, IMO.
two new songs

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:15 pm
by Warped
I really expected basically the same setlist as for the NY shows in October and therefore i am more than positive surprised that they changed it this way. Maybe we even get to see more new (old) songs added or exchanged. For now this is a really good start and no need to complain at all imo :thumb: :rockon:

Nice newspaper review too.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:09 pm
by Larry B.
jptm wrote:
I have to say a couple of things about this...

- How big do you think was the raise in Etty's paycheck for her to allow this song?
- I will insist in a topic I've already mentioned a couple of times. What happened to Perk? Like... what the fuck happened to that guy? What made him so standard? Is it his age? Some music he might be listening to? The musicians with whom he's hanging around? He's just bored of music? There is nothing, NOTHING interesting in his playing. Not a fucking thing. Not in his playing, not in his sound, not in his technique, not in his performance, not even in his fucking kit. Sad and lame.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:12 pm
by Tyler Durden
I think it's a pretty solid setlist. Still don't know why they continue to play the very tired "Ain't No Right"; they should have kept "Ocean Size" instead (as it's arguably their best live track).

The problem is, even when adding a new album to the equation, the band simply doesn't have that much material to pick from (given their 26 year history) and the "masses" demand/expect certain key songs to be played. If they had released more music and had more "hits", things would dramatically different (and on any given night)...but this isn't Pearl Jam. Fans can't expect too much (given the circumstances) and the band can't expect too much praise from the fans (they made their bed).

Btw, why does Dave have to wear that awful "Britney" hat?

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:16 pm
by Hokahey

Jesus. What a day.

Had a blow out on the highway on the way down. The goal was to get down there about 3 hours before the bar started letting people in because the bar lets you in to the venue before the main line outside the doors. So I'm pissed at the delay. I have no spare or donut in the back of the car. Fuuuuuuuck. After some crazy running across several lanes of highway traffic with tire in hand to a tire shop I spot across the way I get that shit done and the car back on the road in 45 minutes. :rockon:

Get to the venue and decide to have lunch with my date across the street. The food arrives and she says she is feeling fluish and about to barf. Asks if she can come back and get me after the show. I text Esq and he agrees to help me out instead of making her drive 45 minutes back to get me.

The gods are clearly working against me but thankfully Esq saves me at least $100 cab ride so I try to cover the gas money for him at least.

Everyone in line is old and hasn't seen Janes "since they played the Keil (St. Louis venue) 20 years ago" and "cant believe they're back." I'm really confused at these people and what they're saying until I realize they've been on acid for the last 20 years so I guess it makes sense.

After 2 hours standing around outside we get in to the bar, only to form another line. Here we stand for another hour, bullshitting with the other attendees. Trying to avoid conversations where people are talking about that time they got a picture with Perry and wondering if I've ever met him.

In to the venue and me and maybe 10 other people head to the pit. Everyone else fills in the GA seats, including Esq. Old fuckers. My feet are already killing me (thought of you Artemis) but I'm on a mission!

The gentleman that stands next to me asks me if he'll get busted for recording the show on his phone. I reply "Probably not." He angrily yells "why not?" I reply "because everyone records shows on their phones now and he yells "why??!!" Great. An hour of this. He then makes me look at a picture of Perry on his phone then tells me he'd have one with him from outside the venue but the guy taking the pic fucked it up and if he sees him he's going to kill him and then skull fuck him. I convince the gentleman that he's too close to the stage for a proper recording and he moves back. Genius move.

Black Box Revelation. :waits:

No way! A two person blues rock band. How novel!

Although it was funny to hear someone behind me ask "Where's the bass player? They must have his parts pre-recorded."

Someone convinces a photographer to use their cell to take a pic of the set list. It takes all I have to avoid looking at it with everyone else.

Finally Jane's. Band looks good. No ridiculous outfits. You've seen the pics.

Underground is okay. Not a bad opener. The crowd seems subdued but in to it. The band sounds fine. Then the lights go out and the band becomes backlit. Mt. Song starts.

I go nuts. The guy next to me goes nuts. The rest of the crowd stands still and claps and sways a little. :hs:

Just Because ends the momentum. I am fearing for the set list.

Been caught stealing. Sounds okay I guess. Not my favorite. My fears about an all hits shitty set list seem to be coming true.

ANR sounds better than usual. Perry is all over the stage. I get back in to it. Fuck these people around me. Don't get in the pit if you don't like wild hokas.

Ted sounds fine. Honestly, never been my favorite Jane's song. I like it, but not a favorite. Crowd stays lame. Perry fucks his voice.

Etty and Bubba the Clown are singing backing vocals.

Twisted Tales really kills the momentum like you wouldnt believe. I like it on the album but it's no good live and the lame crowd gets lamer. Bubba is dressed as a magician and does little magic tricks before hanging baby dolls and eventually himself. Coupled with the video footage of people mutilating baby dolls I'm all at once disturbed and annoyed at how fucking stupid this is. All of my excitement is dwindling.

Then the acoustic set up.

Dave and Chris sitting in chairs. Perry standing between them.

Classic Girl. Fuck yeah. I'm back in to it. Close my eyes and dance around a bit. Pretend it's old Jane's.

I Would for You. Awesome. Worth the admission price. I'm 14 again. :rockon:

Jane Says. Im just happy it's not the encore.

Now we come to the "Interlude" and best part of the show.

IF sounds great. I'm blown away by that fact alone. The crowd is in to it and it doesn't sound awful after hearing 3 classic Jane's songs, 2 of which I haven't heard in over a decade.

Now Three Days. Perry is saying something softly during the beginning. Would like to know what this was. Might have just been the "At this moment...." part.
Song sounds really great. I'm way fucking in to it as is the crowd. Finally some life from these people.

Stop is the highlight of the show from a crowd perspective. Everyone's singing, the band is firing on all cylinders, and finally (I kid you not), for the first time i feel another person touch me. I'm fucking front and center in the pit and went untouched for almost the entire show. I feel the pit forming behind me and launch myself backward to get in to it and realize it's already dead. :lol:

Lame. Ass. Crowd.

Encore time.

Perry does his little. "you know everytime I'm here I seem to lose my voice..."

Words? What the fuck?

Feels totally wrong and doesnt feel like a Jane's song. I realize I thought I liked this song but live it might as well be Superhero.

Then it's over.

I wake up this morning feeling fluish and sore as fuck. Now I know why the old people stand still the entire show.

So all in all, the show was very hit and miss. Perry's banter was limited, and he didnt say anything cringe inducing. Dave seemed really in to it and he and Perry got together and jammed out quite a bit.

Perk was all smiles..

Chaney played competently as usual. No personality. He went ignored the entire show by Perry and Dave.

The highs were really fucking high and the lows were really fucking low. Made for a very uneven show.

The bass was way high in the mix, and Perry half sung a lot of the songs. He's really showing his age. You have to expect this or the show will be terrible.

I did like seeing Perk mouth "wow" while they took their bows and the crowd roared. At least what the crowd lacked in their ability to get physically involved they made up for in enthusiasm.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:35 pm
by kv
creep wrote:you guys know that there aren't going to be more than 14 songs. everyone wanted them to add some songs they never play and to add new songs and they did. for those of you that are still not satisfied i think you just need to realize that you just don't like this band anymore.
i already realize that

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:51 pm
by Artemis
Good review,Hoka. :thumb:

On behalf of all old people at JA shows, I am sorry for preferring comfort over sore feet. :lol:
hokahey wrote:
Chaney played competently as usual. No personality. He went ignored the entire show by Perry and Dave.
In today's Toronto Star in the upcoming concerts section there was a little comment that I found amusing.
"When will Jane's bassist become the equivalent of Spinal Tap's drummer? The band comes through touring its latest album, The Great Escape Artist, but they can still kill it live and you know you're going for the back catalogue. (Monday, Massey Hall)"

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:15 pm
by Japhy
Some of you crack me up... moaning about Classic Girl?!!?! Like someone else said, you're just too far over this band at this stage... at least kv admits it. I've just watched that clip 5-6 times straight and it gives me goose bumps - whether they play it in 91 or now, it's a beautiful song.

Just for that, I'm giving Janes a huge :thumb:

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:23 pm
by Warped
Great review Hoka, i don't think i could get that together after a show... :lol:

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:25 pm
by Hokahey
The show is worth the ticket price for the acoustic set and the interlude set, as long as you arent expecting the band in their prime.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:26 pm
by farrellgirl99
Tyler Durden wrote:I think it's a pretty solid setlist. Still don't know why they continue to play the very tired "Ain't No Right"; they should have kept "Ocean Size" instead (as it's arguably their best live track).

The problem is, even when adding a new album to the equation, the band simply doesn't have that much material to pick from (given their 26 year history) and the "masses" demand/expect certain key songs to be played. If they had released more music and had more "hits", things would dramatically different (and on any given night)...but this isn't Pearl Jam. Fans can't expect too much (given the circumstances) and the band can't expect too much praise from the fans (they made their bed).

Btw, why does Dave have to wear that awful "Britney" hat?
Agreed. Ocean Size instead of ANR would be perfect.

I really have no complaints about this setlist but because we all like to complain about everthing, I think Words is a weird closer. I liked the new album and would have enjoyed ETTL or I'll Hit You Back more from the new cd and Ocean Size could have been a closer.

Re: Feb 22 - Saint Louis, MO at The Pageant

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:28 pm
by Warped
Kinda sad that Twisted Tales does not come good live. I really do like this song. Still i hope they bring Splash during this tour.

Oh and what is with the stage decoration? Does look quite similar to NINJA :noclue: